
CIE related and other useful information for ISE 7th Semester, MSRIT

Contains all the required information about the CIE Components of 7th semester ISE and other relevant stuff

Idea is to compile the whole online classes experience at one single place.

CIE2 dates and rules

Date: 9th, 10th and 11th December. Test will be descriptive, three Qs, any two to be answered.

Academic curriculum here


Date Subject Time
9th December Data Mining 12.00-01.00 PM
9th December Distributed Computing 04.30-05.30 PM
10th December Information Security 12.00-01.00 PM
10th December IOT/VR 04.30-05.30 PM
11th December Cloud Computing 12.00-01.00 PM
11th December Data Science 04.30-05.30 PM


Subject Syllabus
Data Mining Unit 3 full & Till k-means in 4th unit
Distributed Computing Unit 3&4
Information Security Unit 3&4
VR Unit 3&4
Cloud Computing Upto automatic performance managers
Data Science Unit 3&4

Links to be referred

Other important links


I have tried to compile as much information I could find. Please let me know if I've missed out on anything or feel free to give PR's.