
HR tool for storing scraped job openings and tracking interview progress of potential candidates

Primary LanguagePython

A useful tool for Human Resource professionals

A complete and fully implementable software for a company to ease out the work of HR's. Now no need to maintain huge excel sheets to store information about fields like candidates, companies, job openings and stuff. Every thing is made easier through create, update and delete forms and the data is displayed in the form of tables from the database. The data can also be uploaded through csv files. Different privileges are given to the admin and staff users. The website also has a unique tracker for each logged in user where the person can keep track, schedule interviews and send auto-generated emails to his/her respective candidates.

Technology Stack

  • Front-end - HTML, CSS, Bootstrap
  • Back-end - Django framework
  • Database - PostgreSQL

🔧 Instructions to run

git clone https://github.com/amyy28/Django-website.git

In the cloned repository


cd wise_intern

Install all the requirements at once

pip3 install -r requirements.txt

Create a superuser for login

Create your username and password of your choice

python3 manage.py createsuperuser

Now you require to migrate all the database table schemas to the default sql database

python3 manage.py makemigrations

Migrate it

python3 manage.py migrate

Now run the server

python3 manage.py runserver

Hit the below URL

Enter the created username and password. Once logged in candidate, company, vendor data can easily be loaded using the forms in the UI.

💁🏻 Contributing

Any contributions and pull requests are welcomed!

Made with ❤️