Intel Conversion Framework

Primary LanguagePython


Intel Conversion Framework

AUTHOR: Adam Burt



This simple framework will convert source data to a useable destination data format. The framework monitors (multiple) folders and will pass each file it finds to a set of "modules" that then process the data.


When using multiple sources of intel, I have found they come in various formats. When one wants to put these data sources into a central repository (such as CIF), they require converting to a format that is recognised. This framework aims to provide a simple darg 'n drop method for this process.


There are 3 main processes that run:


Will actively monitor the desired folder(s) for files and pass them to "START" for distributed module processing.


Will actively monitor an inter-process queue between the module and itself, containing files that need to be deleted after being processed by the module.


The main process that is responsible for passing new files to the individual modules


These can be whatever you like them to be. The only require a few things:

          "run" function - The main process calls the "run" function of the module to start it
              "run" function must accept several parameters:
                    fileName      - e.g. "file1.csv"
                    fileNamePath  - e.g. "C:\file1.csv"
                    outputBase    - absolute path to "./output"
                    deleteQueue   - Queue to push abs filenames to for deletion


def run(fileName, fileNamePath, outputBase, deleteQueue):

(check that fileNamePath exists and is of a format that this module understands and will process)

(process the fileNamePath in whatever way you need)

(output the results to outputBase\<whateveryouwant)

(push the fileNamePath to deleteQueue> if you have processed it and want to remove it)