- 2
XLinearModel preprocessing and metrics
#240 opened by kizhonorium - 2
- 1
#282 opened by NitinAggarwal1 - 1
Training process freezes without using GPUs
#255 opened by TOP-RX - 1
ValueError: len(params.neg_mining_chain)=4 != 3
#248 opened by justinbuzzni - 0
Cannot replicate the XR-Linear performance with TF-IDF features and a Fine-tune Embedding Model
#283 opened by keshavgarg139 - 0
Integrate Low-rank adaptation (LoRA)
#280 opened by pedroruas18 - 0
Floating point exception (core dumped) problem
#273 opened by wykk00 - 3
Why does the XR-Transformer require exceptional RAM on Amazon-670k (and in other large datasets)?
#223 opened by celsofranssa - 1
Some confusion in pecos.utils.smat_utils.binarized
#265 opened by denghj3 - 1
- 1
Newlines in Tfidf vectorizer corpus cause runtime exceptions when loading a trained vectorizer
#263 opened by grant-miller-faire - 9
XLinearModel (trained) when saving it generates an error OSError: [Errno 95] Operation not supported
#247 opened by preetbawa - 0
FineTune on Custom Dataset
#254 opened by sheoranhimansh - 0
- 3
- 14
Trying to use HybridIndexer for Label Indexing, run into issue where TrieWrapper has no attribute '_sorted'
#244 opened by preetbawa - 5
- 0
How do I adjust parameter when the recall of a particular label is zero In Classification Task?
#252 opened by 000namc - 0
Hyperparameter optimization/tuning
#250 opened by pedroruas18 - 1
Perform inference in C++/Java
#246 opened by goldenretriever98 - 3
Xtransformer Predict - Threshold
#241 opened by codemonk2023 - 1
- 6
Extreme Multi-label classification - XRTransformer - Using word embeddings of Label descriptions for clustering
#230 opened by codemonk2023 - 1
XMC - XRTransformer - Recommended way to train on large datasets(200k labels)
#231 opened by codemonk2023 - 1
XMC - XRTransformer - Sequence Length
#232 opened by codemonk2023 - 0
Extreme multi-label classification - Text data - training set size for a class
#239 opened by codemonk2023 - 4
Indexer / Clustering hyperparameter tuning
#238 opened by codemonk2023 - 6
Could not run 'aten::_foreach_norm.Scalar' with arguments from the 'SparseCUDA' backend
#235 opened by runningabcd - 2
- 1
How to use gpu when training model XLinearModel?
#236 opened by kizhonorium - 3
- 0
是否可以在 centos7上使用 pecos 呢
#227 opened by runningabcd - 1
train model, the process core dump
#228 opened by runningabcd - 4
Is there at least one example showing how to use Pecos from a plain text dataset?
#157 opened by celsofranssa - 2
ScipyCsrF32 Issue
#217 opened by mmoradifard - 9
- 1
MasOS support
#205 opened by valeriomieuli - 2
Can't reproduce XR-Transformer Neurips results
#207 opened by celsofranssa - 1
- 1
XR-transformer model hyperparameters setting
#196 opened by zqudm - 4
Pecos killed on ranker training step
#185 opened by celsofranssa - 2
Libpecos on Ubuntu 22.04 with Python 3.10
#184 opened by celsofranssa - 1
Parameter confusion
#172 opened by micrazy - 2
- 0
Why use tf-idf, not extract through bert?
#177 opened by iDestro - 2
XR-Transformer prediction step
#160 opened by celsofranssa - 1
How to get the predicted labels as plain text?
#158 opened by celsofranssa - 6
Pecos on customized datasets
#155 opened by celsofranssa - 1