Pinned issues
- 7
[Format Request]: Javascript esm flattern format request
#1451 opened by kossel - 1
- 2
If references are objects there are duplicated tokens
#1455 opened by philipallen - 3
Issues with attribute/color
#1450 opened by svenvandescheur - 1
Request for PandaCSS Format Support
#1456 opened by morera01 - 1
Add example with GUI
#1447 opened by artursopelnik - 6
- 5
CSS variables with light-dark()?
#1377 opened by brian-patrick-3 - 14
`include` the same token does not do a "deep merge"?
#1425 opened by chris-dura - 2
javascript/es6 format doesn't handle newlines in comments
#1420 opened by Zkrgu - 13
- 1
- 3
- 4
Pull `$extensions` from closest ancestor
#1376 opened by gavinbaradic - 2
[Question]: Typescript interface extention
#1424 opened by MrDevinB - 4
- 7
Incorrect/unexpected output for `$dimension` token types when using DTCG format spec
#1398 opened by adamstankiewicz - 2
- 1
Negative numbers skipped over by `size/rem` transform
#1408 opened by Tenga - 0
- 0
- 1
- 0
- 4
Style Dictionary Reference Error with Nested Namespace from Figma Tokens Studio
#1423 opened by Leejha - 6
Official Typescript Enums for Formats and Transforms?
#1367 opened by DarioSoller - 0
Make utilities for handling tokens pure
#1412 opened by jorenbroekema - 1
Integrating an detailed error APIs
#1411 opened by ChristopherC-STLA - 6
expand=true results in no typography for Flutter
#1334 opened by benjamincox - 4
- 1
React Native + `attribute/cti`
#1363 opened by TrevorRice - 4
- 0
- 3
- 0
Feature Request: Typescript token files support.
#1391 opened by hsjobeki - 2
- 0
Use Tabs over spaces in formats and repo as a whole
#1396 opened by jorenbroekema - 4
- 1
- 4
Types Resolve as `any` for TypeScript<5.x.x
#1371 opened by zacowan - 1
"filtered out token references were found" warning is reported while values are beign resolved in the output file.
#1379 opened by mkeyy0 - 3
【Help】Why can't we generate multiple theme files with the same CSS variables
#1373 opened by yanquanfahei - 0
options param is not populated when running preprocessor at platform level
#1365 opened by bigglesrocks - 2
Base64 asset - InvalidCharacterError
#1360 opened by admfrenchdev - 3
Alphabetical order and `outputReferences` usage
#1350 opened by julien-deramond - 1
- 2
New Markdown (tables) format
#1340 opened by julien-deramond - 2
question: can registerAction occur before all the Platfrom css is built?
#1343 opened by fannyzhou1196 - 4
error : StyleDictionary.extend is not a function
#1346 opened by VijaytaWJ - 0
Use DTCG syntax internally everywhere
#1352 opened by jorenbroekema - 3
Possible bug in v4 documentation
#1336 opened by lukasoppermann