pixiv infinite scroll

Use the greasyfork mirror for auto-updates.

Most likely won't work on anything but firefox/greasemonkey since it makes use of some bleeding-edge javascript features and some styles are only written with -moz- vendor prefixes (I'm lazy).

Tested with Greasemonkey 2.0 on Firefox 30 and 33


infinite scroll with flexible-width layout

Search, new works (everyone, new works (followed artists), artist works pages are all auto-paginated. Additionally a custom stylesheet for flexible-width layout is injected


search page at 980px viewport width


search page at 2560px viewport width

inline expansion

for simple images

image inline expansion

loading thumbnails for individual pages of a manga gallery

manga thumbnails

expanding individual pages of a manga

manga inline expansion

animated illustrations (ugoira) loads the full resolution animation, individual frames frames and the option to download a .zip file that includes the timecode necessary to properly encode the animations to other formats

animation inline expansion

The zip with timecodes can be used by the pixiv2webm and pixiv2gif ruby scripts you can find in the /bin directory.



  • ruby >= 1.9
  • unzip
  • ffmpeg
  • mkvtools

Usage: pixiv2webm.rb <filename>.zip



  • ruby >= 1.9
  • unzip
  • imagemagick

Usage: pixiv2gif.rb <filename>.zip