Primary LanguageArduino

# KB
Seeed Studio Grove - LCD RGB Backlight; http://www.seeedstudio.com/depot/Grove-LCD-RGB-Backlight-p-1643.html ; 5V
Adafruit MicroSD card breakout board+; https://www.adafruit.com/products/254 ; 5V/3.3V 
Adafruit DS1307 Real Time Clock breakout board kit; https://www.adafruit.com/products/264 ; 5V, 5/3.3V logic
GY-80 (L3G4200D ADXL345 HMC5883L BMP085) ; 5V/3.3V
Adafruit DRV2605L Haptic Motor Controller; https://www.adafruit.com/products/2305 ; 2-5.2V
Adafruit Stereo 2.8W Class D Audio Amplifier - I2C Control AGC - TPA2016; https://www.adafruit.com/products/1712 ; 2.7-5.5V
ESP8266, ESP-01

Components and input power for specific board
Pro Trinket 3V, w/LiPoly Backpack and 3,7 LiPoly battery attached to be chararged using USB
Haptic Con  3V from Pro Trinket
Amplifier   3V from Pro Trinket
MicroSD     3V from Pro Trinket
LCD         5V (using a level shifter and step-up regulator)
GY-80       3V from Pro Trinket
RTC         5V (using a level shifter and step-up regulator)
ESP8266     3V from Pro Trinket

  0         (RX) (+ESP8266 TX)
  1         (TX) (+ESP8266 RX)
  2         (USB)
  3~        PS/2 Keyboard CLK
  4         ROT ENC Push Button
  5~        speaker PWM tone output (L channel)
  6~        speaker PWM tone output (R channel)				
  7         (USB)
  8         PS/2 Keyboard DATA
  9~        ON/OFF Switch LED Red
  10~       (SS)
  11~       (MOSI)
  12        (MISO)
  13        (SCK)
  A0/14     ROT ENC Pin A
  A1/15     ROT ENC Pin B
  A2/16     ROT ENC LED Red
  A3/17     - available
  A4/18     (I2C SDA)
  A5/19     (I2C SCL)
  A6        - available, analog input only pin 
  A7        - available, analog input only pin
  RST       ESP8266  GPIO0 
Micro SD card breakout board
  CLK       <->   PRO TRINKET 13 (SCK)
  DO        <->   PRO TRINKET 12 (MISO)
  DI        <->   PRO TRINKET 11 (MOSI)
  CS        <->   PRO TRINKET 10 (SS)
  CD        <->   (unused / card detection)
Rotary Encoder
  A         <->   PRO TRINKET A0/14
  B         <->   PRO TRINKET A1/15
  LED R     <->   PRO TRINKET A2/16
( LED G     <->   unused )
( LED B     <->   unused )
(the Pro Trinket is powered w/3V, which is not enough for the green and blue leds, so only red will be used).  
PS/2 Keyboard
  1         <->   PRO TRINKET 8 - DATA
  3         <->   GND
  4         <->   +5V
  5         <->   PRO TRINKET 3 / INT1 - CLK

  UTXD      <->   PRO TRINKET 0 / RX
  URXD      <->   PRO TRINKET 1 / TX

I2C devices
LCD display:
  LCD address                                       0x7C
  RGB address                                       0xC4
Stereo Audio Amplifier
  Controller address                                0xXXX
Haptic Motor Controller
  Controller address                                0x5A

10-DOF GY-80:
  3 Axis Gyro ST Microelectronics L3G4200D          0x69
  3 Axis Accelerometer: Analog Devices ADXL345      0x53
  3 Axis Magnetometer; Honeywell MC5883L            0x1E
  Barometer + Thermometer; Bosch BMP085             0x77
Real time clock:  
  RTC address                                       0x68

Additional information/Docks
- https://github.com/jeelabs/esp-link
- LED resistor (red led 65 Ohm)

Bord Sizes and Connector Board requirements
                  Width   x   Length    #Pins
Pro Trinket       38      x   18
Micro SD          31,85   x   25,4      8
GY-80                                   10
RTC               24      x   30,5      5       (Breite von ca. 9 Pins)
Amplifier         22      x   28        10
ESP-01                                  4x2
Step-Up 5V                              3
Haptic Controller 18      x   17        5       (Breite von ca. 6 Pins)

I2C Buchse liegend                      4       (2mm RM, für LCD)
2x Lautsprecher Terminal                2
Audio Out, Verbindung Stecker           3       (R+, L+, GND)
Rotary Enc                              6       (A, B, C=GND, LED Red, Pushbutton, VSS)
PS2 Keyboard                            4
Switch on/off                           am Backpack
Power LED                               2