
transparent hookable minecraft mitm proxy targeting mc 1.8.9

Primary LanguagePython


transparent minecraft man-in-the-middle proxy targeting mc 1.8.9 (unlikely to work consistently with other minecraft versions)

tested on Python 3.8

dependencies are requests and cryptography (pip3 install requests cryptography) if you want to do encrypted passthrough (default for the notchian server)


adding your credentials

Make a file called auth.json with the following contents:

  "email": "your_mojang_account@email.com",
  "password": "supersecure",
  "client_token": "487c8d0040774f6b84af38831801a867"

To get a client_token, copy your local launcher's token from ~/.minecraft/launcher_accounts.json (mojangClientToken) to use the proxy while staying signed in, or run python3 gen_token.py, which may sign you out from your launcher.

Your credentials are necessary since part of the encryption process mandates the client sends a request to Mojang's session server, which servers will then check for.

Since the encryption is handled as part of the proxy rather than being passed through (thus allowing the proxy to read and write encrypted packets), we need to have an access token to provide as part of the request.


warning warning warning: here be dragons! the API is subject to change without notice; consult the below reference implementation if your code breaks after an update

running the proxy

python3 main.py path_to_auth_json host proxy_target where:

  • path_to_auth_json is the path relative to the current directory where auth.json is stored
  • both host and proxy_target are in the format ip:port
  • host is the host the proxy will run on
  • proxy_target is the host the proxy will connect to

e.g. python3 main.py auth.json localhost:25566 will use auth.json in the current directory to forward connections on all interfaces port 25567 to a minecraft server running on localhost port 25566.

intercepting/crafting play packets

if run like ^, packet information will be printed to the console.

to implement custom behavior when a play packet is received from the client or server, subclass LayerOne.extra.handler.Handler with a class such as this one (ChatModifierHandler from example_handlers/chat_modifier.py):

from LayerOne.extra.handler import Host, PrintFunc, SendFunc, Handler
from LayerOne.network.packet import Packet
from LayerOne.types.string import String

class ChatModifierHandler (Handler):
    def __init__ (self, client_address: Host): pass
    def ready (self): pass
    def client_to_server (self, current_state: dict, print_func: PrintFunc, to_client_func: SendFunc, to_server_func: SendFunc, packet_id: int, packet_data: bytes) -> bool:
        if packet_id == 0x01: # Chat Message
            chat_message: str = Packet.decode_fields (packet_data, (String,)) [0]
            if chat_message.startswith ("/"): return True # pass through commands
            chat_message = "SUBSCRIBE TO TECHNOBLADEEEEEEEEee"
            out_data = Packet.encode_fields ((chat_message, String))
            to_server_func (0x01, out_data) # send modified chat message
            print_func ("hacked outgoing chat message")
            return False # don't pass through hacked chat message
        return True # pass through other c2s packets
    def server_to_client (self, current_state: dict, print_func: PrintFunc, to_client_func: SendFunc, to_server_func: SendFunc, packet_id: int, packet_data: bytes) -> bool:
        return True # pass through unmodified
    def disconnected (self): pass

__init__, ready, and disconnected are called when a client connects, completes login, and disconnects, respectively. Only __init__ accepts any arguments (Host is an (ip, port) tuple), and the return value is discarded. (They're mainly meant for handlers to do any startup/cleanup necessary; disconnected is guaranteed to be called unless the process is killed.)

client_to_server and server_to_client are called when a packet is sent from the client to the server and from the server to the client, respectively, with the following caveats:

  • current_state: dict contains information about the current state of the protocol, such as ["id"] representing the value of the notchian state enum (0 = handshaking, 1 = status, 2 = login, 3 = play)
  • print_func: PrintFunc is a function that prints the sole argument as a string with fancy formatting, depending on which direction the function is called from. In addition to a single positional argument which str is called on to form the body of the message, it accepts keyword arguments generic: bool = False (avoid appending extra packet info?) and meta: bool = False (if generic, add extra emphasis?).
  • to_client_func: SendFunc, to_server_func: SendFunc are functions that send a packet with the given positional packet ID (int) and data (bytes) in the direction indicated by the variable name, handling any necessary compression and/or encryption.
  • packet_id is the packet ID (int) of the incoming packet. See the wiki.vg page below to understand how to interpret this; serverbound and clientbound directions have separate sets of IDs, and the connection state will always be 3 aka Play.
  • packet_data is the data contained in the incoming packet. Packet.decode_fields and Packet.encode_fields provide interoperability with Python types and types in protocol format.
  • The return value, a bool, indicates whether the packet should be passed through unmodified to the other side. Returning True is helpful in else blocks if you want special behavior to occur only for specific packets.

Note the example usages of Packet.decode_fields and Packet.encode_fields based on wiki.vg's description of the serverbound Chat Message packet (id 0x01, single String field containing the raw message text)

To start the server with a custom handler class, add another argument with the form package.path:ClassName:

  • package.path is the path to the .py file containing the class implementation, in Python import format.
  • ClassName is the name of the class.

ex. python3 main.py auth.json localhost:25566 example_handlers.chat_modifier:ChatModifierHandler will use the ChatModifierHandler class from example_handlers/chat_modifier.py.

Good luck and happy MITM'ing! If you make a cool handler, open an issue with a link to the source code, and I'll add it to this list of cool handlers:


https://wiki.vg for all protocol information, most from https://wiki.vg/index.php?title=Protocol&oldid=7368

python requests and cryptography libraries to handle http requests and encryption

many stdlib components, namely zlib for compression