
Docker environment for running a cardano stake pool

Primary LanguageShell

Cardano-shell-docker: docker-based image to run a Cardano Stake Pool

Cardano-shell-docker is an collection of utilities to simplify access to cardano-node and cardano-cli from a docker environment. No need to install from source, with specific version of ghc, libsodium and other specific libraries and build tools that might hard to build on your system, or that could break your package manager dependencies.

DISCLAIMER: I share my own work for free without any kind of warranty. Use these tools at your own risk.

SECURITY NOTE: From a security perspective, you should always read the source of the docker images and scripts that you use, especially when handling financial assets.

WARNING: Currently under construction. This project (under construction) is using bash. Windows is not officially supported.

Installation / setup of cardano-shell

Install docker, clone this project, then run pull the docker image

docker pull kunkka7/cardano-shell

or built it directly from the Dockerfile

$ docker build . -t kunkka7/cardano-shell

On Linux/Mac, from the root of the project, make the utility scripts executables with:

$ chmod +x *.sh

Then, create in the config folder a config.sh file:

#!/usr/bin/env bash

# cardano-node simple configuration for local use
export NODE_PATH="/config"
export NODE_SOCKET_PATH="$NODE_PATH/node.socket"
export NODE_IP=""
export NODE_PORT="3000"

# cardano-node relay configuration
export RELAY_IP="<my-relay-ip>"
export RELAY_PORT="<my-relay-port>"

# cardano-node block-producer configuration
export BLOCK_IP="<my-core-node-ip>"
export BLOCK_PORT="3000"

# prometheus export
export PROMETHEUS_CARDANO_PORT="12789" # must be configured in mainnet-topology.json

# grafana config
export GRAFANA_ADMIN_USER="admin"
export GRAFANA_ADMIN_PASSWORD="cardano-is-great" # default password, change it later when configuring grafana

# required for cardano-node to function correctly

Adapt and adjust this config file, don't hesitate to change ports, but keep in mind that you'll have to adjust your firewall rules accordingly. This config file will be sourced in every shell opened in the docker environment with cardano-shell.

Deploying configuration

In this tutorial, you'll launch several cardano-shell on different machines, a local machine to create your private keys and test stuff, a relay machine which will be your stakepool relay, and a block-producing machine which will be your core node that add blocks to the cardano blockchain.

For each of theses machines, you will deploy different configurations from the config folder, config/node, config/relay and config/block. It's recommanded to keep on your local machine all the different configurations, then copy the appropriate config to each node with scp -r.

Once in the config folder, you can easily deploy your files to the docker environment with the ./deploy-configuration.sh script, that basically, move stuff to the docker folder at the right location.

Before using cardano-shell on your each node, and each time after changing a config file, you'll need to deploy your new config to the docker environment with:

./deploy-configuration <node|relay|block>

If used without arguments, it will deploy the config/node folder. Since the docker folder is/will be priviledged, this script use sudo. Read it before you use it.

Launching a cardano-shell

Running a simple cardano-cli

To launch a shell able to run cardano-cli:

$ ./cardano-shell.sh

Note that commands requiring to query the blockchain for information won't work in that mode, but it's still useful for some commands (generating keys, addresses, etc).

Running cardano-cli with a node

To be able to run all cardano-cli commands, you'll need a cardano-node running AND synchronized.

In the config/node folder, fetch the mainnet node config files from IOHK:

wget https://hydra.iohk.io/job/Cardano/cardano-node/cardano-deployment/latest-finished/download/1/mainnet-config.json
wget https://hydra.iohk.io/job/Cardano/cardano-node/cardano-deployment/latest-finished/download/1/mainnet-byron-genesis.json
wget https://hydra.iohk.io/job/Cardano/cardano-node/cardano-deployment/latest-finished/download/1/mainnet-shelley-genesis.json
wget https://hydra.iohk.io/job/Cardano/cardano-node/cardano-deployment/latest-finished/download/1/mainnet-topology.json

If it's your first time running the cardano-shell with a node, run the deployment script (that will export scripts and configuration to the docker folder):

$ ./deploy-configuration.sh node

Anytime you wish to change the node configuration, modify the .json files in the config/node folder, then run deploy-configuration.sh again.

Once again, you can launch a container with a running node and an open shell with:

$ ./cardano-shell.sh node

This will launch a tmux session with 3 panes. A shell, a cardano-node and a log-grepper. If you don't know how to operate tmux and you need to, I suggest you take a look at the tmux cheat sheet.

If you need to fully reset the node at some point, delete the docker folder, then deploy the configuration again.

Building a stake pool with cardano-shell

For that matter, the recommanded configuration is 3 hosts:

  • 1 online relay node, we'll call it relay.
  • 1 online block-producing node, we'll call is block
  • 1 local host to securely create keys, and sign transactions with it. We'll call it local.

For best security, the keys creations and transactions signing should be done on a completely offline host.

For a reasonable security/usability tradeoff, run theses commands on a secured, firewalled host (that could be your local machine), that you can safely assume that it was never compromised.

Understanding keys and addresses files

Expand if you need to understand what are the different files Generation procedures for keys and addresses usually output 3 files: - file.skey: private signing key, SHOULD NEVER BE ONLINE - file.vkey: public verification key, used in many procedures. Keep it offline too for best security - file.addr: address corresponding to the key pair generated. Could be public if needed.

You'll generate a payment keypair/address, to honor your stakepool pledge, and a stake keypair/address, that will receive the rewards for your participation in the cardano blockchain.

Recommandation: Backup theses 3 files to a seperate secure location, never put it online (at least unencrypted).

Generating payment keys/address and stake keys/address

Expand for detailed procedure This procedure is for shelley mainnet. For testnet, replace in following commands `--mainnet` with `--testnet-magic 42`.

From local do the following:

launch a cardano-shell:


In the shell, create a folder to hold our keys:

mkdir -p /config/keys

generate the payment key pair:

cardano-cli shelley address key-gen \
  --verification-key-file config/keys/payment.vkey \
  --signing-key-file config/keys/payment.skey

generate the stake key pair:

cardano-cli shelley stake-address key-gen \
  --verification-key-file stake.vkey \
  --signing-key-file stake.skey

build the payment address:

cardano-cli shelley address build \
  --payment-verification-key-file /config/keys/payment.vkey \
  --stake-verification-key-file /config/keys/stake.vkey \
  --out-file /config/keys/payment.addr \

build the stake address:

cardano-cli shelley stake-address build \
  --stake-verification-key-file /config/keys/stake.vkey \
  --out-file /config/keys/stake.addr \

verify that all the files were built correctly (ll is alias for ls -al):

# ll /config/keys
total 24
drwxr-xr-x 2 root root 240 Oct 10 16:22 .
drwxr-xr-x 4 root root 304 Oct 10 16:22 ..
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 103 Oct 10 16:19 payment.addr
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 180 Oct 10 16:11 payment.skey
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 190 Oct 10 16:11 payment.vkey
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root  59 Oct 10 16:22 stake.addr
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 176 Oct 10 16:16 stake.skey
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 186 Oct 10 16:16 stake.vkey

From your local shell from cardano-shell folder, backup the keys from the container on a local folder with root-restricted read permissions, for later use. From now one, you'll need sudo.

mkdir -p .backup/secret
cp -r ./docker/config/keys .backup/secret
sudo chown -R root .backup/secret
sudo chmod -R 400 .backup/secret

Create a encrypted archive that you'll backup somewhere. Don't hesitate to gpg encrypt it if your gpg keys are already securely backed up. Here's a simple way to create an encrypted archive:

sudo zip --encrypt .backup/stakepool.zip docker/config/keys/

Remember not to use --password (zip) or --passphrase (gpg) or similar options, as the password would be stored in plain text in the shell history and in system memory. If you absolutely have to, use set -o history to turn off history, and set +o history to turn it back on.

Finally, close the cardano-shell and verify that the container is stopped and deleted with docker list containers and docker list containers -a. Once done, delete the config/keys folders:

rm -rf ./docker/config/keys/

Whenever we need to use some keys, we'll copy them our backup folder to docker, use them, then delete the files again.

Registering the stake address in the blockchain

Expand for detailed procedure We will need to register our stake address with a transaction, meaning we'll have to pay for the transaction fee. It'll require interacting with the blockchain, you'll need to have a **running** and **synchronized** node.

First, deploy the node configuration (if you haven't done it yet)


Then run a shell with node

./cardano-shell.sh node

Some commands might need the blockchain to be synchronized. The blockchain is several GB, so it may take a while to have the node synchronized. Note that it's stored into docker/config/db folder, so if you delete the docker folder, you will have to download it again.

First, we need to generate a registration certificate. From a local shell, Copy the stake.vkey to the docker:

sudo cp .backup/secret/keys/stake.vkey docker/config/keys/

Then from the cardano-shell, create the certificate:

cardano-cli shelley stake-address registration-certificate \
  --stake-verification-key-file /config/keys/stake.vkey \
  --out-file /config/keys/stake.cert

From the local shell, copy it to our backup folder:

sudo cp docker/config/keys/stake.cert .backup/secret/keys/
sudo chmod 400 .backup/secret/keys/stake.cert

Now, we need to know how much ada we need to send to our payment address. First, go on the cardano-shell a check what are the protocol amounts:

# mkdir /work
# cd /work
# cardano-cli shelley query protocol-parameters \
    --mainnet \
    --out-file protocol.json
# grep keyDeposit protocol.json
    "keyDeposit": 2000000,

Here, we have to make a deposit of 2 million lovelaces, which is 2 ADA, in addition to the transaction fees.

Following the cardano transaction tutorial, we're going to draft our transaction and determine all the parameters.

First, query the current utx0 balance using the bashrc alias sp-balance or:

# cardano-cli shelley query utxo --address $(cat /config/keys/payment.addr) --mainnet
TxHash                                                               TxIx      Lovelace
98952480a220f83947fec475c2ff6c4327a18d2798a04fnuv1c49eab307224d8     0         100000000

From theses information, we get our UTX0 number, or TxIx and our current lovelace amount (ada amount * 1000000). In this example, we have 100 ada so it's 100 millions lovelaces.

First, draft our transaction with these parameters (leaving 0 for the info we don't have yet). Make sure to include the TxIx after the #. Save this command in a notepad as we will rework it later.

cardano-cli shelley transaction build-raw \
  --tx-in 98952480a220f83947fec475c2ff6c4327a18d2798a04fnuv1c49eab307224d8#0 \
  --tx-out $(cat /config/keys/payment.addr)+0 \
  --ttl 0 \
  --fee 0 \
  --out-file tx.raw \
  --certificate-file /config/keys/stake.cert

Then query the TTL using sp-ttl alias or:

# cardano-cli shelley query tip --mainnet
    "blockNo": 4805198,
    "headerHash": "af0d79958d44342e53b53e2056dfb210c11f76213372fde61739e5e270c8c1d7",
    "slotNo": 10861266

slotNo is the current slot number. Our transaction TTL will be a number chosen so that:

  • We have time to finish submitting our transaction before slotNo reach our TTL
  • Our transaction should be failed (and our funds available again) if it isn't executed when slotNo reach our TTL.

Usually, adding 10000 or 50000 to the current slotNo is a good option.

# expr 10861266 + 50000

Now that we have our TTL, let's calculate the last part: the fees (and the remaining amount on our account).

# cardano-cli shelley transaction calculate-min-fee \
  --tx-body-file tx.raw \
  --tx-in-count 1 \
  --tx-out-count 1 \
  --witness-count 1 \
  --byron-witness-count 0 \
  --mainnet \
  --protocol-params-file protocol.json
172629 Lovelace

We've seen earlier that the keyDeposit will be 2000000 lovelaces, so we need to include that, to calculate our remaining amount of lovelace:

expr 100000000 - 2000000 - 172629

Now, we have all informations to draft our final transaction:

cardano-cli shelley transaction build-raw \
  --tx-in 98952480a220f83947fec475c2ff6c4327a18d2798a04fnuv1c49eab307224d8#0 \
  --tx-out $(cat /config/keys/payment.addr)+97827371 \
  --ttl 10911266 \
  --fee 172629 \
  --out-file tx.raw \
  --certificate-file /config/keys/stake.cert

Once run, you should have a tx.raw file in your current folder /work. Before submitting this transaction to the blockchain, we need to sign it with our private payment and stake signing keys.

On your local shell, transfer the keys to the docker container:

sudo cp .backup/secret/keys/payment.skey docker/config/keys/
sudo cp .backup/secret/keys/stake.skey docker/config/keys/

Then in the cardano shell, sign the transaction:

cardano-cli shelley transaction sign \
  --tx-body-file tx.raw \
  --signing-key-file /config/keys/payment.skey \
  --signing-key-file /config/keys/stake.skey \
  --mainnet \
  --out-file tx.signed

You should now have a tx.signed file in your local folder. Submit the transaction to the blockchain:

cardano-cli shelley transaction submit \
  --tx-file tx.signed \

And voila! Now, we can query with sp-balance our balance to see if the fees and deposit have been paid, meaning the transaction has been successfully executed by the blockchain.

Note that if you meet BadInputsUTxO or ValueNotConservedUTxO, it means that you made some mistakes with the parameters. Please check them out again.

When done, don't forget to delete the keys from your docker directory:

sudo rm -rf docker/config/keys/*.skey
sudo rm -rf docker/config/keys/*.vkey

Generate our stake pool keys and certificate

Expand for detailed procedure

On your local machine, perform the following procedure.

Start a shell with node:

./cardano-shell.sh node

Generate cold keys for your stakepool:

cardano-cli shelley node key-gen \
  --cold-verification-key-file /config/keys/cold.vkey \
  --cold-signing-key-file /config/keys/cold.skey \
  --operational-certificate-issue-counter-file /config/keys/cold.counter

Generate a VRF keypair:

cardano-cli shelley node key-gen-VRF \
--verification-key-file /config/keys/vrf.vkey \
--signing-key-file /config/keys/vrf.skey

Generate a KES keypair:

cardano-cli shelley node key-gen-KES \
--verification-key-file /config/keys/kes.vkey \
--signing-key-file /config/keys/kes.skey

Now, we need to check what is the start of our KES validity period (check the above link to understand why).

get the current block number with sp-ttl command in the cardano-shell:

# sp-ttl
    "blockNo": 4805614,
    "headerHash": "5469dcf22575fb9a9dc1eba37fd15e94ff98272696c3d1af6baca5930e8623ae",
    "slotNo": 10869566

We can check now in the mainnet-shelley-genesis file what is our KES period:

$ grep KES mainnet-shelley-genesis.json
  "slotsPerKESPeriod": 129600,
   "maxKESEvolutions": 62,

In this example, each KES period is 129600 slots. So the current KES period started at 10869566 / 129600:

$ expr 10869566 / 129600

We can now create our node certificate:

cardano-cli shelley node issue-op-cert \
  --kes-verification-key-file kes.vkey \
  --cold-signing-key-file cold.skey \
  --operational-certificate-issue-counter cold.counter \
  --kes-period 83 \
  --out-file node.cert

From our local shell, move our files to the backup folder, rebuild our archive zip, and delete the keys from the docker folder:

sudo cp -r ./docker/config/keys .backup/secret
sudo chmod 400 /docker/config/keys/*
sudo zip --encrypt .backup/secret/stakepool.zip .backup/secret/keys/
sudo rm -rf ./docker/config/keys

Save your stakepool.zip archive to a cold secure location.

Configure the relay and block-producer nodes

Expand for detailed procedure

Configure topology files for block-producing and relay nodes.

First, we need to edit our configuration files.

Copy configuration files (fetched from IOHK) from config/node folder to config/relay and config/block.

Edit config/block/mainnet-topology.json to set change the addr/port settings to your relay node public ip/port

    "Producers": [
        "addr": "relay.stakepool.fr",
        "port": 3000,
        "valency": 2

Then edit config/relay/mainnet-topology.json to set your relay to communicate with your block-producing node ip/port, and with other relays of the network. You can find a list of mainnet relays on adapools

"Producers": [
    "addr": "block.stakepool.fr",
    "port": 3000,
    "valency": 1
    "addr": "relays-new.cardano-mainnet.iohk.io",
    "port": 3001,
    "valency": 2
        "type": "regular",
        "addr": "",
        "port": 3001,
        "valency": 1
        "type": "regular",
        "addr": "usa-relay.cardanistas.io",
        "port": 8082,
        "valency": 1

Update the cmd/config.sh script as well with your relay and block ip/port.

On the relay host, clone this project, then build the docker image. Once done, copy from the local machine your config files:

scp -r ./config/ user@<relay ip>:path/to/repo

Then, deploy the relay configuration to the docker:

./deploy-configuration.sh relay

Then start your relay node

./cardano-shell.sh relay

And that's it, you relay should be working! Note that using the relay or block arguments, docker is launched with --restart unless-stopped, meaning it will reboot with your machine. You can stop it with docker container list and docker stop <containerid>. If you want to detach from the docker session without closing anything, use <ctrl+p> <ctrl+q> to detach. You can reattach later with docker container list and docker attach <containerid>.

Now, time to start our block-producing node, also sometime called core node.

On the block node, pull the project and scp config files, just like for the relay node. Then, deploy the block-producer configuration:

./deploy-configuration.sh block

You need a few additional files to run the block-producing node: the pool keys kes.skey, vrf.skey, and node.cert. Copy them to your block host from local:

mkdir poolkeys
sudo cp .backup/secret/keys/kes.skey ./poolkeys
sudo cp .backup/secret/keys/vrf.skey ./poolkeys
sudo cp .backup/secret/keys/node.cert ./poolkeys
sudo chown -R $(whoami) poolkeys
scp -r poolkeys/ user@<relay ip>:path/to/repo
rm -rf poolkeys/

Then from the block host

sudo mkdir -p docker/config/keys/
sudo mv poolkeys/* docker/config/keys/
rm -r poolkeys

You can now run the block-producing node

./cardano-shell block

Once started, you can delete the pool keys again:

rm -rf docker/config/keys/*.skey
rm -rf docker/config/keys/node.cert

Register the stakepool metadata

Expand for detailed procedure

Create a .json file with your stakepool info

    "name": "TestPool",
    "description": "The pool that tests all the pools",
    "ticker": "TEST",
    "homepage": "https://teststakepool.com"

You are not required to have a live homepage (for now). Note that the ticker is the search string that will allow users to find your pool.

Upload it to an url that is less that 65 characters long (you can use gist and git.io to shorten the url).

cp that file to the docker/config/ folder so we can access it from our cardano-shell

cp metadata.json docker/config/

Then from your local cardano-shell, get the hash:

cardano-cli shelley stake-pool metadata-hash --pool-metadata-file /config/metadata.json

Finally, we are able to create our stakepool registration certificate. Choose your:

  • pool pledge (amount that you will stake. YOU MUST HONOR YOUR PLEDGE)
  • pool cost (cost of running your pool)
  • pool margin (% of rewards)

Once you decide those numbers (in lovelace), copy the necessary key files to your docker config

sudo cp .backup/secret/keys/cold.vkey docker/config/keys/
sudo cp .backup/secret/keys/vrf.vkey docker/config/keys/
sudo cp .backup/secret/keys/stake.vkey docker/config/keys/

then create you docker certificate:

cardano-cli shelley stake-pool registration-certificate \
    --cold-verification-key-file /config/keys/cold.vkey \
    --vrf-verification-key-file /config/keys/vrf.vkey \
    --pool-pledge <pool pledge> \
    --pool-cost <pool cost> \
    --pool-margin <pool margin> \
    --pool-reward-account-verification-key-file /config/keys/stake.vkey \
    --pool-owner-stake-verification-key-file /config/keys/stake.vkey \
    --mainnet \
    --pool-relay-ipv4 <relay ip> \
    --pool-relay-port <relay port> \
    --metadata-url <metadata json url> \
    --metadata-hash <metadata hash> \
    --out-file /config/keys/pool-registration.cert

Create the delegation certificate (that will be used to honor our pledge)

cardano-cli shelley stake-address delegation-certificate \
    --stake-verification-key-file /config/keys/stake.vkey \
    --cold-verification-key-file /config/keys/cold.vkey \
    --out-file /config/keys/delegation.cert

Once node, backup this file in our backup folder (from our local shell):

sudo cp docker/config/keys/pool-registration.cert .backup/secret/keys/
sudo cp docker/config/keys/delegation.cert .backup/secret/keys/
sudo chmod 400 .backup/secret/keys/pool-registration.cert
sudo chmod 400 .backup/secret/keys/delegation.cert

Now, we need to submit our pool-registration.cert and delegation.cert to the blockchain.

Create a work directory for the transaction, get protocol.json and check what our pool deposit needs to be.

# mkdir /work
# cd /work
# cardano-cli shelley query protocol-parameters --mainnet --out-file protocol.json
# grep poolDeposit protocol.json
"poolDeposit": 500000000,

Our pool deposit will be 500 ada (~5$ when i'm writing this). We won't need to pay the deposit again if we need to update the pool certificate (changing pledge, margin, metadata, etc).

So, let's build the transaction (same procedure as for registring stake key). We will need to use stake.skey, payment.skey and cold.skey to sign the transaction:

sudo cp .backup/secret/keys/payment.skey docker/config/keys/
sudo cp .backup/secret/keys/stake.skey docker/config/keys/
sudo cp .backup/secret/keys/cold.skey docker/config/keys/

check your utxo with sp-balance and the current ttl with sp-ttl.

Here's our base command for building the transaction:

cardano-cli shelley transaction build-raw \
    --tx-in <utxo number>#<txix> \
    --tx-out $(cat /config/keys/payment.addr)+0 \
    --ttl 0 \
    --fee 0 \
    --out-file tx.raw \
    --certificate-file /config/keys/pool-registration.cert \
    --certificate-file /config/keys/delegation.cert

For calculating the min fee, we will use a witness count of 3 (since we will sign with payment.skey, stake.skey and cold.skey).

cardano-cli shelley transaction calculate-min-fee \
    --tx-body-file tx.raw \
    --tx-in-count 1 \
    --tx-out-count 1 \
    --mainnet \
    --witness-count 3 \
    --byron-witness-count 0 \
    --protocol-params-file protocol.json

Then, using expr <mybalance> - 500000000 - <minfees>, we can deduct the remaining amount, and build the full request, which will look like this:

cardano-cli shelley transaction build-raw \
    --tx-in <utxo number>#<txix> \
    --tx-out $(cat /config/keys/payment.addr)+<remaining_amount> \
    --ttl <current slotNo + 50000> \
    --fee <minfee> \
    --out-file tx.raw \
    --certificate-file /config/keys/pool-registration.cert \
    --certificate-file /config/keys/delegation.cert

Once this is done, sign the transaction:

cardano-cli shelley transaction sign \
    --tx-body-file tx.raw \
    --signing-key-file /config/keys/payment.skey \
    --signing-key-file /config/keys/stake.skey \
    --signing-key-file /config/keys/cold.skey \
    --mainnet \
    --out-file tx.signed

And finally, submit it to the blockchain:

cardano-cli shelley transaction submit \
    --tx-file tx.signed \

Check with sp-balance if your amount was deducted from your payment address. If so, congratulation, your stakepool is not registered to the blockchain! You can check on adapools.org if you can see it.

You can also check on cardano-cli. Get your pool id with:

cardano-cli shelley stake-pool id --verification-key-file /config/keys/cold.vkey


cardano-cli shelley query ledger-state --mainnet | grep publicKey | grep <poolid>

should return a non-empty string.

Save your poolid into the backup directory:

echo <poolid> > poolid
sudo mv poolid .backup/secret/keys/

Now we can delete your keys from our node folder:

sudo rm docker/config/keys/*.skey
sudo rm docker/config/keys/*.vkey

Create a .zip encrypted backup for your config folder, and save it somewhere safe.

sudo zip --encrypt .backup/secret/stakepool.zip docker/config/keys/

Update the stakepool parameters

Expand for detailed procedure

Over time, you'll gather more funds. You might want to change your pledge, your margin, or some of your metadata.

Proceed like for the initial pool registration, but this time you don't have to pay deposit fees.

Install Monitoring (Prometheus and Grafana)

Expand for detailed procedure

Prometheus allows to fetch and graph application metrics, Grafana is a very nice interface to display and organize all of them.

Best practice is to have a specific monitoring node. If you don't want to run one more serveur, use your relay node if you want to have your monitoring available from anywhere, as it does not host sensitive files and operations. You can also use your local node, but if it's not available and connected 24/7, you wont be able to configure efficient alerts.

Install Prometheus metrics

First, we want to allow our cardano-node to output prometheus metric. Edit mainnet-config.json in our config/relay and in our config/block folder. If you want to test the setup locally, you may also use edit the one in the config/node folder.

"hasPrometheus": [

Now, edit the cmd/config.sh file and set values for our PROMETHEUS and GRAFANA variables. I recommand choosing different ports than the default ones, but you will need to adapt the rest of the tutorial.

# prometheus export
export PROMETHEUS_CARDANO_PORT="12789" # must be configured in mainnet-topology.json

# grafana config
export GRAFANA_ADMIN_USER="myuser"
export GRAFANA_ADMIN_PASSWORD="myadminpw" # change it later when configuring grafana

Finally, we need to create the config/relay/monitoring/prometheus and config/block/monitoring/prometheus folders and add a Prometheus configuration file in it (named prometheus.yml). Upon the presence of this file, cardano-shell will automatically start a prometheus-node-exporter (for system metrics) and a prometheus server on your node.

    scrape_interval:     15s
        monitor: 'codelab-monitor'

  - job_name: 'cardano' # To scrape data from the cardano node
      scrape_interval: 5s
      - targets: ['']
  - job_name: 'node' # To scrape data from a node exporter to monitor your linux host metrics.
    scrape_interval: 5s
    - targets: ['']

Once done, prometheus can be run. Don't forget to deploy your configuration again. On relay node:

./deploy-configuration.sh relay
./cardano-shell.sh relay

On block node:

./deploy-configuration.sh block
./cardano-shell.sh block

You can verify that prometheus is running correctly by accessing the http://<your-node-ip>:9090 interface. Verify on the Status->targets menu that both your cardano and node endpoints are up.

On your firewall configuration, you don't need to open the 12789 and 12790 ports since thoses are fetched by the local prometheus server. But you will need to allow the 9090 port (prometheus web interface) to be accessible from your monitoring node to your relay and block node.

Installing Grafana

On your monitoring node, create the config/node/monitoring/grafana folder and add grafana.ini file on it. If you are using your relay node as monitoring node, use the config/relay/monitoring/grafana folder instead.

You can fetch the default grafana configuration file for this matter and adapt it to your needs. You don't need to spend too much time on this file, since you will be able to perform most of your configuration from the Grafana web interface.

Note that uncommenting the ;http_port = 3000 line will allow you to choose your port. If you have a https certificate, add the files to the configuration folder and configure https as the default protocol of Grafana (from /config/) folder. It's also possible to configure Grafana with let's encrypt, but that's out of the scope of this tutorial. Don't hesitate to modify the scripts on this repo for that.

You can now run your grafana server with

./deploy-configuration.sh node # use ./deploy-configuration relay if using your relay node
./cardano-sell.sh grafana

This will launch grafana in the cardano-shell container. As usual with docker, use <ctrl>+P <ctrl>+Q to detach.

You can now access the Grafana web interface from http://<monitoring-node-ip>:<grafana-port>

From the web interface, add your prometheus urls as datasources: from the menu, select the settings icon and click on the Data Sources submenu. Then click on the Add data source submenu. Select Prometheus, then enter the prometheus web url (without a trailing slash: http://<relay-ip>:<prometheus-port>) of your relay node. Keep 'Server' access. Set prometheus-relay as name for this datasource. Validate. Repeat the operation with the block node, with prometheus-block as name for the datasource.

Now that both your datasources are added to Grafana, the last step is to configure your dahsboard. From the Cardano ops repository, fetch the cardano-application-dashboard-v2.json file. It's a nice preconfiguration.

Edit it, find and replace all occurences of the "datasource": "prometheus", string and replace with "datasource": "prometheus-relay",. At the end of the file, change the title field with your Dashboard title for the relay node, and change the uid field to something unique.

You can now import the Dashboard by cliquing on the + icon -> import.

Repeat the same operation for the block dashboard, changing datasources to "datasource": "prometheus-block",, and selecting a different title and uid fields.

On your new dashboards, you should see incoming data within 1 minute.

Topology auto-update

Expand for detailed procedure

Configuring a static node will put your node at risk to be disconnected from the main network if your "relay" nodes are disconnected for long enough.

To avoid this situation, most stake pool operators use a script to update the topology.json file on a daily or hourly basis.

cardano-shell-docker implements a auto-updating topology option. To use it on the relay, instead of the ./cardano-shell.sh relay command to launch the relay node, use:

./cardano-shell.sh relay autotopology

Launching shell with the autotopology option will make it add a crontab to run the /cmd/topologyUpdater.sh script every day. This script fetch 20 relay nodes from adapools, replacing the first one with your block-producing node (as defined in with BLOCK_IP and BLOCK_PORT env var in /cmd/config.sh, and replacing the second one with IOHK relay)

You can also test it on your local node with the following:

./cardano-shell node autotopology

In the new shell, try crontab -l command to see if the crontask is correctly defined. You can also run /cmd/topologyUpdater.sh manually and cat /config/mainnet-topology.json to verify that your block-producing node and the IOHK relay are present.


Most providers will provide a firewall interface to filter traffic from and to your nodes. However, if it's not the case, you can use iptables. If you don't know how to use it, there are many excellent ressources on the internet. Here is one. Note that this must not be configured in the cardano-shell docker environment, but in the host machine.

Here are the rules that we want to allow (according to your config):

On relay:
        All ICMP traffic
        All TCP traffic to [ssh port]
        All TCP traffic to [cardano-node port]
        All TCP traffic to [grafana-web-interface port]
        All ICMP traffic
        All TCP traffic
        All UDP traffic

On block:
        All TCP traffic to [ssh port] # unless you have a fixed ip to operate from
        [relay ip] TCP traffic to [cardano-node port]
        [relay ip] TCP traffic to [prometheus port]

        All ICMP traffic
        All TCP traffic
        All UDP traffic

On a security matter, note that it may be a good idea to change all default ports, to complicate service identifications. Attackers usually need to identify what service your machine is running, to be able to build attacks (brute force, exploit attack, DoS, misconfiguration abuse, etc), using fingerprinting techniques with tools like nmap. Changing default port helps to complicate this process, and also helps against attacks scanning randomly ip-ranges for service-specific vulnerability.

Thanks and Support

If you would like to support this project:

  • deleguate to stakepool.fr pool [ticker: SPFR]
  • install Brave browser from my referral link. It's a privacy-oriented ad-blocking browser forked from chrome, that let you mine cryptocurrency in exchange for displaying ads. No personal data are sent, it stays locally in your browser.
  • Donations are also appreciated:
    • ADA: DdzFFzCqrht8ZdbpE6zKwNegme7TjAtVBw2t4abuqRshNhobiAw3ND5NuC5fhuHhPg8LTk5wX5BdgZXYrqwfnnfncfafyzbrE7zdPBz5
    • BTC: 1NmoNTcA1qRannogf1ycHqte6cYqLvZSEo
    • ETH: 0xa2d717472e7de75a3b46f96d3fcfd1ff861be895

Shoutout to abracadaniel for his work (providing a good base).