

Primary LanguageShell


Following are instructions to deploy a CDH+CDSW cluster on Azure using Cloudera Director's bootstrap script.

Services installed as part of CDH are: KAFKA, KUDU, IMPALA, HUE, HIVE, SPARK2, OOZIE, HDFS, YARN, ZOOKEEPER.

For simplicity, the MIT KDC server is installed on the same instance of Cloudera Director.

Along with deploying the CDH+CDSW cluster, the bootstrap script calls some other scripts to create usernames and their folders in HDFS, and to add the Kerberos principals. Make sure you check those scripts in the scripts folder to configure how many users you want to create, and the password to kinit.


In the Azure Portal, create the IAM entity with permissions to access resources in your Azure Subscription.

  • Go to Azure Active Directory > App Registration and create an app of type Web app / API. The URL is not important.
  • Go to the app Keys section and create a new key. Save the secret key for later
  • Go to your Subscription > IAM > Role assignment and add Owner to the app you created.

Get these IDs:

  • Azure Subscription ID = get it from the Subscription section.
  • Azure Active Directory Tenant ID = go to Azure Active Directory > Properties, and copy the Director ID.
  • Azure Active Directory Client ID = go to Azure Active Directory > App Registration, and copy the Application ID.
  • Azure Active Directory Client Secret = secret key you copied.


  • Go to the Azure Marketplace and search for Cloudera Director, then start the wizard.
  • Complete the wizard; example values are below.
  • At the end of the wizard, you will see a summary just like the below example. Save it for later reference.
  • Finish the wizard and wait until deployment is completed.
  • Go to the RG, and on both NSGs, add inbound security rule to open ports 80,7180,7189,8888,8080.
  • Go to the RG, and Convert to managed each Availability Set.


Resource group: nyc1-rg
Location: East US
VM Username : director
VM Password: *************
Resource name of public IP : dir_public_ip
Public domain name prefix for Cloudera Director Server: director
Private DNS domain name: mydnsdomain
Cloudera Director Server VM size: Standard DS12 v2
New Virtual Network: directorvnet
Cloudera subnet: default
Cloudera subnet address prefix:
MySQL DB Admin Username: director
MySQL DB Admin Password: *************
Cloudera Director setup information
Azure Subscription ID : 584fd-gfgdsf884-0-40iojooig4884648f-fg
Azure Active Directory Tenant ID: 10a0xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx12c924f
Azure Active Directory Client ID: 3e050xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx2aba7692
Azure Active Directory Client Secret: ********************************************
Cloudera Director Admin Username: director
Cloudera Director Admin User Password: *************


The current Azure Marketplace deployment of Cloudera Director installs version 2.8. This version can install CDH 5 but it cannot install CDH 6. So you must first uninstall Director 2.8, delete the yum repo and config files, download the new repo and install Director 6.1.

SSH into the Director VM using the Username and Password.

$ sudo su 
$ systemctl stop cloudera-director-server
$ yum erase -y cloudera-director-server cloudera-director-client
$ yum clean all
$ rm -rf /etc/yum.repos.d/cloudera-director.repo /etc/cloudera-director-* /var/lib/cloudera-director-server /var/cache/yum
$ wget -P /etc/yum.repos.d/ "http://archive.cloudera.com/director6/6.2/redhat7/cloudera-director.repo"
$ yum install -y cloudera-director-server cloudera-director-client git vim
$ systemctl enable cloudera-director-server
$ systemctl start cloudera-director-server
$ git clone https://github.com/fabiog1901/cdsw-install.git
$ cd cdsw-install
$ chmod +x scripts/*

Install MIT Kerberos and add the Kerberos principals:

$ ./scripts/create-log-dir.sh
$ ./scripts/install-mit-kdc.sh
$ ./scripts/kerberos-addprinc.sh

Check the log files on /var/log/cdsw-workshop/ for any errors.

Edit the azure/azure.conf file for your environment and requirements. Pay special interest to these sections:

  • provider: update all Azure IDs with the IDs you used before when you setup Director.
  • instances > base: update all env details with proper RG, VNet, etc; you need to set hostFqdnSuffix to the Private DNS domain name you set while creating the Director instance. If you can't find it, retrieve it:
$ cat /etc/resolv.conf
# Generated by NetworkManager
search mydnsdomain
  • Kerberos: update the KDC_HOST to the Director/MIT KDC host Private IP (get it with hostname -I or check in the Azure Portal)
  • VM types, images and counts.
  • Software to be installed, versions and repository URLs.

The Director bootstrap conf file is very complex and this guide is not meant to explain every bit of it; unfortunately you will need to do your own homework and go through your fair share of trial and error! There are some reference guides available though, check the Cloudera Director client reference files in /usr/lib64/cloudera-director/client/.

Create the SECRET.properties file, and add the secret key you used before.

$ echo "CLIENTSECRET=xxxx" > azure/SECRET.properties
$ chmod 400 azure/SECRET.properties

Create a new ssh key, used by Director and CM to ssh into all cluster nodes

$ ssh-keygen -f azure/azurekey -t rsa
$ rm -rf azure/azurekey.pub

Start the bootstrap script:

$ cloudera-director bootstrap-remote azure/azure.conf   --lp.remote.username=admin   --lp.remote.password=admin

Once the script has terminated, login into Cloudera Director UI to open Cloudera Manager and navigate to the CDSW service, from which you can open the CDSW Web UI.

Alternatively, go to cdsw.<CDSW-master-public-IP>.nip.io


Please note that currently with Director you can't specify the OS disk size, so by default Azure provisions a 50GB disk which is too small for the CDSW nodes. You can easely resize the OS disks by following these instruction: https://blogs.msdn.microsoft.com/cloud_solution_architect/2016/05/24/step-by-step-how-to-resize-a-linux-vm-os-disk-in-azure-arm/

You need to stop the CDSW service and the VMs before proceeding with the resize instruction, which you can do from the Azure portal directly, rather than from the CLI as instructed in the blog post.


The scripts create 100 users, from user00 to user99, along with their HDFS folders, all with password Cloudera1.


Monitor the deployment for errors:

$ tail -f /var/log/cloudera-director-server/application.log

You can also login into Cloudera Director UI via SOCKS proxy. On your home computer, open a SSH tunnel:

$ ssh -CND 1080 director@director-dns-name

Then launch the browser using that SOCKS proxy port, as explained here.

The url for Cloudera Director is <director-public-IP>:7189 .

You might find some useful info here too:

$ cat /root/.cloudera-director/logs/application.log

If you want to SSH into a node, use the key you created previously, example:

$ ssh -i "azure/azurekey" centos@


For a private CDSW cluster (no public IP addresses) set PublicIP: No in the conf file for each instance template. To access CDSW, you need to add the below to file /etc/named/zones/db.internal:

cdsw                    A
*.cdsw                  A

where is the private IP address of the CDSW Master. Then restart the service:

# check syntax is correct:
$ named-checkconf /etc/named.conf

$ service named restart 

In CM, set the CDSW property DOMAIN to cdsw.mydnsdomain, where mydnsdomain is the name of the DNS service. Then restart the CDSW service.