
Dockerized THREDDS

Primary LanguageDockerfileBSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" LicenseBSD-3-Clause


A containerized THREDDS Data Server built on top a security hardened Tomcat container maintained by Unidata.


See tags listed on dockerhub.


docker run -d -p 80:8080 unidata/thredds-docker


To run the THREDDS Docker container, beyond a basic Docker setup, we recommend installing docker-compose. docker-compose serves two purposes:

  1. Reduce headaches involving unwieldy docker command lines where you are running docker with multiple volume mountings and port forwards. In situations like these, docker commands become difficult to issue and read. Instead, the lengthy docker command is captured in a docker-compose.yml that is easy to read, maintain, and can be committed to version control.

  2. Coordinate the running of two or more containers to, for example, orchestrate the TDS and TDM. This can be useful for taking into account the same volume mountings, for example.

However, docker-compose use is not mandatory. For example, this container can be started with

docker run -d -p 80:8080 unidata/thredds-docker

There is an example docker-compose.yml in this repository.

Configuring docker-compose With Environment Variables

This project contains a docker-compose environment file named compose.env. This file contains default values for docker-compose to launch the TDS and TDM. You can configure these parameters:

| Parameter                   | Environment Variable  | Default Value                |
| TDS Content Root            | TDS_CONTENT_ROOT_PATH | /usr/local/tomcat/content    |
| TDS JVM Max Heap Size (xmx) | THREDDS_XMX_SIZE      | 4G                           |
| TDS JVM Min Heap Size (xms) | THREDDS_XMS_SIZE      | 4G                           |
| TDM Password                | TDM_PW                | CHANGEME!                    |
| TDS HOST                    | TDS_HOST              | http://thredds.yourhost.net/ |
| TDM JVM Max Heap Size (xmx) | TDM_XMX_SIZE          | 6G                           |
| TDM JVM Min Heap Size (xms) | TDM_XMS_SIZE          | 1G                           |

If you wish to update your configuration, you can either update the compose.env file or create your own environments file by copying compose.env. If using your own file, you can export the suffix of the file name into an environment variable named THREDDS_COMPOSE_ENV_LOCAL.

For example:

cp compose.env compose_local.env
< edit compose_local.env >
docker-compose up thredds-production


Configuration information may be found in the Docker Swarm readme.



Tomcat web applications and the TDS can require large amounts of memory to run. This container is setup to run Tomcat with a default 4 gigabyte memory allocation. When running this container, ensure your VM or hardware can accommodate this memory requirement.


Define directory and file paths for log files, Tomcat, THREDDS, and data in docker-compose.yml for the thredds-production image.

Running the TDS

Once you have completed your setup you can run the container with:

docker-compose up -d thredds-production

The output of such command should be something like:

Creating thredds

Stopping the TDS

To stop this container:

docker-compose stop thredds-production

Delete TDS Container

To clean the slate and remove the container (not the image, the container):

docker-compose rm -f thredds-production

More on Configuration


THREDDS container is based off of the canonical Tomcat container (tomcat:jre8) with some additional security hardening measures. Tomcat configuration can be done by mounting over the appropriate directories in CATALINA_HOME (/usr/local/tomcat).

Java Configuration Options

The Java (JAVA_OPTS) are configured in ${CATALINA_HOME}/bin/javaopts.sh (see javaopts.sh) inside the container. See the docker-compose section above for configuring some of the environment variables of this file.

Configurable Tomcat UID and GID

See parent container.


To mount your own content/thredds directory with docker-compose.yml:

  - /path/to/your/thredds/directory:/usr/local/tomcat/content/thredds

If you just want to change a few files, you can mount them individually. Please note that the THREDDS cache is stored in the content directory. If you choose to mount individual files, you should also mount a cache directory.

  - /path/to/your/tomcat/logs/:/usr/local/tomcat/logs/
  - /path/to/your/thredds/logs/:/usr/local/tomcat/content/thredds/logs/
  - /path/to/your/tomcat-users.xml:/usr/local/tomcat/conf/tomcat-users.xml
  - /path/to/your/thredds/directory:/usr/local/tomcat/content/thredds
  - /path/to/your/data/directory1:/path/to/your/data/directory1
  - /path/to/your/data/directory2:/path/to/your/data/directory2
  • threddsConfig.xml - the THREDDS configuration file (comments are in-line in the file)
  • wmsConfig.xml - the ncWMS configuration file
  • catalog.xml - the root catalog THREDDS loads


Please see Tomcat parent container repository for HTTP over SSL instructions.


By default, Tomcat will start with two user accounts.

  • tdm - used by the THREDDS Data Manager for connecting to THREDDS
  • admin - can be used by everything else (has full privileges)

See the parent Tomcat container for information about creating passwords for these users.

Remote Management

TDS Remote Management is enabled for the admin user by default, and can be accessed via http(s)://<your server>/thredds/admin/debug.


To enable to ncSOS, change


to true in threddsConfig.xml.


Upgrading to a newer version of the container is easy. Simply stop the container via docker or docker-compose, followed by

docker pull unidata/thredds-docker:<version>

and restart the container.

Check What is Running


At this point you should be able to do:

curl localhost:80/thredds/catalog.html
# or whatever port you mapped to outside the container in the docker-compose.yml

and get back a response that looks something like

<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC '-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN'
<meta http-equiv='Content-Type' content='text/html; charset=UTF-8'><title>TdsStaticCatalog http://localhost/thredds/catalog.html</title>
<link rel='stylesheet' href='/thredds/tdsCat.css' type='text/css' >

docker ps

If you encounter a problem there, you can also:

docker ps

which should give you output that looks something like this:

CONTAINER ID        IMAGE                COMMAND                  CREATED             STATUS              PORTS                                                                 NAMES
6c256c50a6cf        unidata/thredds-docker:latest   "/entrypoint.sh catal"   6 minutes ago       Up 6 minutes>8443/tcp,>8080/tcp,>8443/tcp   threddsdocker_thredds-quickstart_1

to obtain the ID of the running TDS container. Now you can enter the container with:

docker exec -it <ID> bash

Now use curl inside the container to verify the TDS is running:

curl localhost:8080/thredds/catalog.html

you should get a response that looks something like:

<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC '-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN'
<meta http-equiv='Content-Type' content='text/html; charset=UTF-8'><title>TdsStaticCatalog http://localhost/thredds/catalog.html</title>
<link rel='stylesheet' href='/thredds/tdsCat.css' type='text/css' >

Connecting to TDS with a Web Browser

At this point, we are done setting up the TDS with docker. To navigate to this instance of the TDS from the web, you will have to ensure your docker host (e.g., a cloud VM at Amazon or Microsoft Azure) allows Internet traffic through port 80 at whatever IP or domain name your docker host is located.


The THREDDS Data Manager (TDM) creates indexes for GRIB featureCollections, in a process separate from the TDS. It is a specialized utility typically employed in scenarios where the TDS is serving real-time data from the Unidata IDD (e.g., GFS Quarter Degree Analysis) and is referenced in the docker-compose.yml in this repository. In most scenarios, you can comment out the TDM section. The TDM Docker container is in its own repository where you can find instructions on how to run it.


In order to cite this project, please simply make use of the Unidata THREDDS Data Server DOI: https://doi.org/10.5065/D6N014KG https://doi.org/10.5065/D6N014KG


If you have a question or would like support for this THREDDS Docker container, consider submitting a GitHub issue. Alternatively, you may wish to start a discussion on the THREDDS Community mailing list: thredds@unidata.ucar.edu.

For general TDS questions, please see the THREDDS support page.