
Step 1. - Have Redis installed locally For windows, I used the following url to download: https://github.com/ServiceStack/redis-windows/raw/master/downloads/redis-latest.zip

Once downloaded, extract the files. In command line, nagivate to the newly downloaded directory and use the following command to start the service: redis-server.exe redis.windows.conf

Ideally, redis would be running on port 6379. If not, settings file will need to be updated in the django project.

Step 2. - Using pip, install the following dependencies: pip install django (if necessary) pip install eventregistry pip install geoip2 pip install django-redis

Step 3. - Set up the following environment variables: OPEN_WEATHER_API - see value in email EVENT_REGISTRY_API - see value in email

Step 5. - Run the following python commands. navigate to Project/LocalizedInfo/LocalizedInfo, such that you are in the same directory as manage.py python manage.py makemigrations python manage.py migrate python manage.py runserver

Step 6. Navigate to localhost:8000 to view the page. Enter a valid ip4 or ip6 address to test.

Warning: For personal ip address; I advise against using the local ip4 address. When running ipconfig to grab an ip address; try to use the ip6 address.

To test out this live go to: https://damp-waters-23539.herokuapp.com/