
A utility library that helps with all things Canada post related; including API calls, shipping cost calculation and more

Primary LanguageJavaScript

cplib - Canada Post Library

This library calculates the price of shipping a package using canada post. This is a computationally efficient alternative to calculating shipping cost using the canada post api. It is based on the rates provided in these two documents:
Regular Customer: https://www.canadapost-postescanada.ca/tools/pg/prices/CPprices-e.pdf
Small Business: https://www.canadapost-postescanada.ca/tools/pg/prices/SBPrices-e.pdf

Fuel surcharge and tax is included in the cost.


npm i cplib

Using CPLib

var shippingCalculate = require('cplib');

Create address objects; source address example:

  let sourceAddr = {
    streetAddress: '10 Wellington', // optional for calculating cost
    city: 'Ottawa', // optional
    region: 'ON', // required; for Canadian addressees this is province; for USA its state. For international, its optional
    postalCode: 'K1A 0B1', // required for canadian addresses
    country: 'CA' // country code or full country name: Canada, or CA USA or United States are all valid

Destination example

  let destinationAddr = {
    streetAddress: 'Douglas St', // optional
    city: 'Victoria', // optional
    region: 'BC', // required
    postalCode: 'V8R2E5', // required
    country: 'CA' // country code or full country name

American example

  let destinationAddr = {
    streetAddress: '140 E 14th S', // optional
    city: 'New York', // optional
    region: 'NY', // required
    postalCode: '10003', // required
    country: 'USA' // country code or full country name

International Example

  let destinationAddr = {
    streetAddress: 'YALOVA YOLU ORMAN FİDANLİGİ KARŞISI', // optional
    city: 'Merkez', // optional
    region: 'Bursa', // optional for international
    postalCode: null, // optional for international
    country: 'Turkey' // country code or full country name


  shippingCalculation.calculateShipping(sourceAddr, destinationAddr, 1.5, 'regular', 'small_business').then(data => {
    console.log('Result: ', data);
    // expected: 23.91
  }).catch(err => {


source address object, destination address object, weight of package in kg, delivery speed (optional), customer type (optional)

Delivery Speed

Delivery speed is optional; when left blank it defaults to regular Canada delivery types: (if destination is to Canada) 'regular', 'priority', 'express', 'expedited'
Expedited is only an option for small business customers.

United States:
'express', 'priority', 'tracked_packet', 'small_packet', 'expedited'

'priority', 'express', 'air', 'surface', 'tracked_packet', 'small_packet_air', 'small_packet_surface'

Please note that all packets must weigh 2kg or less.

Customer Type

The default is regular, the other option is small_business, which comes with a 5% discount

Developing on cplib

Scripts explained

bash npm run test
Runs the unit tests

bash npm run int
Runs the integration tests

bash npm run recalibrate Every month, fuel surcharge changes. This updates the integration tests to have the new values.

bash npm run auto This is int/unit tests that specifically test the functionality that extracts data from the pdf files and loads it into the database.