
Flutter Project for Santander Bootcamp 2023 | DIO. The app has a profile page and BMI records list. It uses local saves with SharedPreferences, Hive and SQLite. Each branch improves the code for a challenge.

Primary LanguageDart


A Flutter project for the DIO course. It has a branch for each course challenge.


Version 1

  • A simple Flutter app that keeps track of button clicks.

Version 2

  • A basic BMI (Body Mass Index) calculator that takes user input for height and weight and displays a list of calculated results.

Version 3

  • Adds a menu to navigate between the profile page and BMI records page.
  • On the Profile Page, the user can set their name and email, and that information is saved using shared_preferences.
  • On the BMI Records Page, there is a card to save the default height using HIVE. There is also a button to save the BMI weight and date entries to calculate the BMI and display a list. The user can delete a record by swiping to the sides. This list is saved using SQLite.

Getting Started


  • Ensure that you have Flutter and Dart installed on your system.

Clone the Repository

git clone https://github.com/your-username/dioproject.git

Navigate to the Project Directory

cd dioproject

Install Dependencies

Use the following command to install the project dependencies:

flutter pub get

Run the App

Launch the DioProject app using the following command:

flutter run

Once the app is running, you can interact with it based on the specific version you're interested in.

Feel free to explore different branches and challenges within the project repository.