
This API gateway that provides a unified interface to the entire e-commerce system. It forwards incoming requests to the appropriate downstream services using routing rules and load balancing.

Primary LanguageJava

WebFlux E-commerce API Gateway

This project is an API gateway for an e-commerce system. It is written in Java and uses reactive programming with Spring WebFlux and Spring Cloud Gateway.

Note: This API is part of a larger e-commerce system that includes product catalog management and user management. To run the complete system, you must also run the WebFlux Catalog API, the WebFlux Users API, and the WebFlux Orders API.

Table of Contents


  • Java 11 or higher

Installation and Setup

  1. Clone the repository:
git clone https://github.com/anabeatrizdmt/webflux-ecommerce-api-gateway.git

  1. Install dependencies:
cd webflux-ecommerce-api-gateway
mvn install
  1. Run the application:
mvn spring-boot:run


This API gateway provides a unified interface to the entire e-commerce system. It forwards incoming requests to the appropriate downstream services using routing rules and load balancing.


This API gateway exposes the following endpoints:

  • /catalog/**: For product catalog management
  • /users/**: For user management
  • /orders/**: For order management


The routing rules are defined in the Config.java file in the src/main/java/com/gateway/ecommerceapigateway/config directory.


This repository depends on the following dependency:

  • spring-cloud-dependencies: A collection of Spring Cloud dependencies that are managed together.