Webbypack and friends!

@mbondyra is helping me to learn Webpack!

We're creating a React project with Webpack from scratch. Doing one thing at a time and checking the output from Webpack without any boilerplate generators like Create React App.


We're creating a React project with Webpack from scratch. Doing one thing at a time and checking the output from Webpack without any boilerplate generators like Create React App. Amazing!

Description of commits

Initial commit

Just git init and yarn init.

Added gitignore and readme

Just that ☝️

Installed webpack

  • Added Webpack and webpack-cli
  • Created index.js entry point
  • Created greet.js module called from index.js

At this point we can run yarn build and Webbypack will use default its default config to create a bundle in the default output dir.

Running yarn build will produce a file in /dist/main.js which we can then run with node using node dist/main.js.

Added webpack config

Added webpack.config.js making the default config explicit.

Added React, Babel and webpack rules for JSX and ES6

Added react, react-dom as dependencies.

Added Babel, Babel CLI, and babel-loader to manage plugins. This allows for using new imports.

Changed greeting.js to be a React component and used it in index.js together with ReactDOM.

How does ReactDOM know where to append the app if there's no HTML? 🤔 It doesn't! At this point in time the app will crash.

Added HTMLWebpackPlugin

Added HTMLWebpack Plugin to help Webpack deal with HTML files. Now it actually has a root node to attach the app with using ReactDOM.

Added dev script with watch

Added a dev script with two options:

  • --watch so that project is re-built on every file save
  • --mode development to improve bundle file readability

Added two separate configs for dev and prod

Added webpack-merge to merge configs.

Then created a base config and two variants: dev and prod. So far the only difference is mode: key.

Added webpack-dev-server

Added webpack-dev-server to serve the app on localhost.

Added source map

Added source map to get the actual source code in development mode.

Added CSS Loaders

Added CSS file with browser styles reset and css loaders to process it.

Added class properties plugin

Added class properties plugin to be able to use things like:

class Component extends React.Component {
  state = {
    counter: 0,

Then actually used this by changing the app to the basic react counter example.

Hot realoading

Live reloading ==> needs refreshing the page Hot reloading ==> updating the code in the app without updating the state