
Trabalho da disciplina GCC218 - Algoritmos em Grafos. Discentes: Ana Beatriz Rodrigues Torres, Larissa Narciso Oliveira e Tatiana Dias Cantelle. Docente: Mayron César de O. Moreira

Primary LanguagePython

Travelling Salesman Problem (TSP) Art in Python

The intention of this repo is to provide a beginner-programmer-friendly way to enable people to make their own TSP Art using Python, and to highlight a few tips and tricks for bettering your art.

The following is written assuming a system with Windows 10. Pull requests are welcome for Linux and MacOS.

Outline of Algorithm

There are two major steps to the algorithm:

  1. Stippling (or 'pointillism') - the image is represented by small black dots of identical size in a way such that darker areas have more dots clustered closely together than lighter areas. The algorithm used here is called 'weighted voronoi stippling'.

  2. Determining and drawing the Travelling Salesman Problem Path - the Travelling Salesman Problem is a classic mathematical optimisation problem where given a list of locations, we are to find a single path that travels through all the locations only once and returns to the starting point. Here we use the dots drawn in the first step as our locations and use an algorithm to determine then draw an appropriate path.


  • Python 3 - you should also know how to use the console/command prompt, and run/execute a Python script. Note that command line options might be different for those using Anaconda.
  • Optional: Concorde TSP Solver
  • Optional: Git
  • Optional: Image editing program. Free/open-source ones: Krita, GIMP

And lastly, the image(s) that you want to convert!

Python Dependencies

  • Pillow
  • ortools
  • tqdm
  • imageio
  • scipy

What kind of images should I use for best results?

Format: This will work for the common image formats (.jpg, .png). More obscure image formats might have some issues, so I'd recommend converting them to .jpg or .png first.

Type: Generally you'll want to use images that is a single object against a white background. Colour doesn't matter as much since the image is converted to grayscale as part of the stippling process.

Three images are provided for you in the images folder for you to practise on and to observe results. The scripts are initially configured to use smileyface-inverted.png in the images folder, and you can get an idea of what the output might look like if you check the example-output folder.

Producing Your TSP Art

For reference, we'll assume that the initial image is figure.png which is placed in the images folder, making the filename images/figure.png'. Replace figure.pngwith whatever other images that you also place in theimages` folder.

0. Setup

Download the repository by clicking the green 'Code' button, then select 'Download ZIP' and unzip to the folder of your choice. Alternatively if you have Git installed, git clone https://github.com/matthras/tsp-art-python into the folder of your choice.

Install the required Python libraries by typing into the console: pip install -r requirements.txt. Alternatively, manually install the Python dependencies as listed above. If you know how to setup a Python environment feel free to do that first.

1. Image Preprocessing

Skip this step if you're a first timer. This step will only be relevant after you've run through a few images and want to tweak things a little.

What can sometimes happen is that visually there is not enough comparative density between different sections of the image, making it hard to properly identify areas where an image is meant to have more shading. The way to fix this is to increase the contrast on the image, and this can be done in your image editing program.

2. Stippling

Open up stippling.py in the editor of your choice, and change the ORIGINAL_IMAGE variable to the folder and image that you wish to stipple. So if our image is figure.png located in the images folder, you'd rename the variable to "images/figure.png"

What should happen on your first time:

  • the console should show something similar to a progress bar, showing each iteration on a new line
  • a window will pop up and show the dots arranging themselves
  • closing aforementioned window will finish the script, and you should see two new files in the images folder:
    • figure-1024-stipple.png which is a stippled version of your original image, and
    • figure-1024-stipple.tsp which is a record of the coordinates of each of the points. This is the file we need for the next step.

Note: 1024 refers to the number of dots used, assuming you use the initial settings as given. If you change this number, the resulting filenames will also have their numbers changed. This is to make it easier to experiment with different numbers of dots without constantly having to delete the old files.

3. Acquiring & Drawing the TSP Solution

Using OR-Tools in Python

Open draw-tsp-path.py in your editor, and change the variables as follows:

  • ORIGINAL_IMAGE should be the stippled image you obtained for Step 2: images/figure-1024-stipple.png
  • IMAGE_TSP should refer to the stipple .tsp file that is generated after Step 2: images/figure-1024-stipple.tsp

Run the file, wait for Python to do its job and when it's done, the final image will be generated as images/figure-1024-tsp.png.

Using Concorde (Windows GUI)

Open Concorde either by double clicking on figure-1024-stipple.tsp or opening the program separately and then loading figure-1024-stipple.tsp file into it. Concorde should then display a series of dots that should resemble what you see in figure-1024-stipple.png.

In the menu, click on 'Heuristics', select 'Lin Kernighan', then click OK. Concorde will then generate a tour that goes through all the points and returns to the starting point.

Save the tour as a file by selecting in the menu: File > Save Tour. In our example we'll save it as figure-tour.cyc.

Open draw-tsp-path-concorde.py in your editor and change the filenames at the top of the file

  • ORIGINAL_IMAGE should be the same initial image you used for Step 2: images/figure-1024-stipple.png
  • IMAGE_TSP should refer to the stipple .tsp file that is generated after Step 2: images/figure-1024-stipple.tsp
  • IMAGE_CYC should refer to the .cyc file that is generated from Concorde: images/figure-tour.cyc

Run the file and the script should generate the final image at images/figure-1024-tsp.png.

When do I use Concorde over OR-Tools?

Generally speaking you'll only want to use Concorde over OR-Tools if you have an image that has 'gaps' where you don't want a path to cross. Sometimes the OR-Tools algorithm may result in paths that 'cross-over' areas where you don't want them to, whereas the Concorde solver is less likely to achieve such a result.

To demonstrate as an example, in the example-output folder we have a smileyface-inverted.png:

Now compare the two results (look closely at the mouth to see the difference):

Python Concorde

Licenses to Acknowledge

  • Google's OR-Tools is licensed under Apache 2.0 - I believe that means you can still use the library, but if you modify any of its internal code for usage, then you'll have to abide by the license terms.
  • Concorde TSP Solver is available for academic research use.
  • All code in the weighted-voronoi-stippler folder is obtained from https://github.com/ReScience-Archives/Rougier-2017, which has its own license: see /weighted-voronoi-stippler/LICENSE.txt for details.
  • My code: draw-tsp-path.py, draw-tsp-path-concorde.py and stippling.py is licensed under CC-BY 4.0 - basically if you use/remix my code, just make sure my name is in there somewhere for credit!
  • Images: The images in images and example-output are under MIT - feel free to use/remix/modify them without attribution. Any images you produce using my code, by my understanding, should fall under any licences they're under that involve any kind of remixing/modification.

Collection of Reference Links

Robert (Bob) Bosch's TSP Art Website

Robert Bosch's Outline of the TSPArt Creation Process

EvilMadScientist - StippleGen

EvilMadScientist - Generating TSP art from a stippled image

Grant Trebbin - Voronoi Stippling

Adrian Secord's pre-print paper on the Weighted Voronoi Stippling Algorithm

Weighted Voronoi Stippling Repo that implements Adrian Secord's Weighted Voronoi Stippling Algorithm

Jack Morris - Creating Travelling Salesman Art with Weighted Voronoi Stippling

Craig S. Kaplan - TSP Art

OR-Tools & TSP