Recipe Mate API

The connection-to-DB side of Recipe Mate!

It was built using PostgreSQL as database.

Setup Instructions

In Postgres:

  1. Create a database recipe_development, or any other name specified for PGDATABASE in .env file.

  2. Run the create.sql and seeds.sql files, located in ./src/db/schema.

In the project files:

  1. Create a .env file with the correct credentials, similar to the example in .env.development.

Update and go!

  1. Install the required packages with npm install.

  2. Run the server with npm start.

Tech Stack

Thank you for your interest in our project

This project was made with love as a final project for our Lighthouse Labs Web Development-Bootcamp. We came together over a passion of food, creating and coding. We were driven to make something fun and beautiful to use. The Vision is to get people sharing ideas of a platform that embraces creativity and Innovation.


Coded by

Ana Carolina Kolozsvari -

Catherine Swain -

Joan Gloria Lai -