
Normalize a CSV

Primary LanguagePython

CSV Normalizer

Normalizes CSVs according to this spec.

To Install and Run


  • Ubuntu 16.04 (Probably other unix-based systems would work.)
  • Python 3.6. (Probably any python3.2+ would work.)
  1. Install: pip install git+https://git@github.com/anybodys/csvnormalizer.git
    • Note: You may need the --user flag.
  2. Run: cat [your input file] | kmd-csvnormalizer. Note: Package name is prefixed with the developer's name to avoid conflicts with other implementations.

Set Up for Development


  • Ubuntu 16.04 (Probably other unix-based systems would work.)
  • Python 3.6. (Probably other pythons would work.)
  • virtualenv and virtualenvwrapper. (Technically wrapper is optional, but it sure is handy!)
  1. cd to where you want to work.
  2. mkvirtualenv --python=`which python3.6` csvnormalizer.
  3. Optional but super handy: edit ~/.virtualenvwrapper/csvnormalizer/bin/postactivate to cd to your working directory. Here's a command that should work on ubuntu! echo "cd `pwd`" >> ~/.virtualenvs/csvnormalizer/bin/postactivate
  4. git clone git@github.com:anybodys/csvnormalizer.git
  5. pip install -r requirements.txt