
Asembler and linker for an abstract computer system.

Asembler and linker

Implementation of a compiler toolchain for abstract computer system realized as a school assignment for System Software course. Description of a computer system can be found in SS_projekat.pdf

Asembler branch

Two-pass asembler which generates text file similar to the objdump output, and its binary representation for linker input.

./asembler -o <output_filename> <input_filename>
e.g. ./asembler -o main.o main.s

Linker branch

./linker [options] <input_filename>
-o <input_filename>

e.g. linker -hex -place=iv_table@0x0000 -place=text@0x4000 -o mem_content.hex ulaz1.o ulaz2.o

Examples can be found in tests folder.