Opioid Retrospective Study using MIMIC-III

Objective: Understand relationships between outcomes such as length of stay (LOS) in the ICU and mortality between patients on chronic opiates vs no opiates.

Data Extraction currently follows plans outlined in study plan found here:https://docs.google.com/document/d/1kkTbheDP5vS8rh_C6W1U7qzthkScqrzKBjd0jSY3j48/edit

This space will be used to host any data related to this project.

Data Collection Plan:

Phase 1: Define cohort based on inclusion/exclusion criteria

Note: Records include only patients/admissions whose charts include sections describing medications upon admission.

  • Total records: 32,384
  • Patients with opiate meds upon admission: 4,184
  • Patients without opiate meds upon admission: 28,200
  • Steps on how this data was extracted can be found at phase_one_inclusion_exclusion.ipynb

Version 0: phaseone_v0.csv. Initial Data. Version 1: phaseone_v1.csv. Removal of multiple admissions from 180+ days and mortality within admission.

Column Name Type Description
row_id int index of rows
subject_id int patient id
hadm_id int hospital admission id. one patient can have multiple id's
intime timestamp in time of ICU stay
outtime timestamp out time of ICU stay
age int
diff_death_admit_hrs float difference in hours between time of death and time of icu admission
diff_last_outtime float difference in hours between ICU in time and patient's last ICU outtime
icd9_codes list list of icd9 codes associated with this patient/admission, ordered by seq_num (priority)
seq_num list list of priority ranks, where 1 is the highest rank, indicating reason for admission
long_titles list descriptions of icd9 codes
valid_icu_admit int flag to determine whether or not icu admit is valid based on study conditions (>18 yrs, no death in 24 hrs). 1 means is valid, 0 is not
valid_age int 18+? If yes, then 1 otherwise 0
valid_death int death after 24 hours? If yes, the 1 otherwise 0
opiate_abuse int 1 = yes, 0 = no, based off of icd9 substance abuse codes
has_anoxic_brain int 1 = yes, 0 = no, based off of icd9 code for anoxic brain injury
has_cancer int 1 = yes, 0 = no, based off of icd9 codes for neoplasms
hist_found int 1 = yes, 0 = no, whether or not patient history found in chart events
opiate_history int 1 = yes, 0 = no, whether or not opiate history found in patient history
admit_found int 1 = yes, 0 = no, whether or not patient medications on admission found in chart events
dis_found int 1 = yes, 0 = no, whether or not patient discharge meds found in chart events
group int ranges between 0-4. Not used. See https://github.com/mghassem/medicationCategories/blob/master/finddrugs.py
opiates int 1 = yes, 0 = no, whether or not opiates found in patient medications on admission
drug name int 1 = yes, 0 = no, whether or not particular drug found in patient medications on admission
icu_los_hours float ICU length of stay in hours
hospital_intime timestamp time patient was admitted to hospital
hospital_outtime timestamp time patient left hospital
deathtime timestamp time of death (in hospital)
hospital_expire_flag int 1 = yes, 0 = no, whether or not patient died in hospital
admission_type string Type of admission (e.g. emergency). For more info see https://mimic.physionet.org/mimictables/admissions/
discharge_location string Not used. Also idk
diagnosis string Diagnosis at time of hospital admit. But more precise admit reason is icd9_admit column
hospital_los_hours float Hospital length of stay in hours
gender string
dod timestamp Date of death (ssn or hospital rec)
dod_hosp timestamp Same as deathtime, maybe
dod_ssn timestamp Date of death from social security info
death_days_since_hospital float Number of days between dod and hospital outtime
30day_mortality int 1 = yes, 0 = no, whether or not patient died within 30 days of leaving hospital
1year_mortality int 1 = yes, 0 = no, whether or not patient died within 1 year of leaving hospital
admit_icd9 int reason for admission icd9 code
admit_long_titles string description of reason for admission icd9 code

Phase 2: Demographic data linkage

Phase 3: Clinical data linkage