go-discogs is a Go client library for the Discogs API. Check the usage section to see how to access the Discogs API.
Note : this is a fork of sblinch/go-discogs itself a fork of irlndts/go-discogs
The lib is under MIT but be sure you are familiar with Discogs API Terms of Use.
- Database
- Releases
- Release Rating
- Master Releases
- Master Versions
- Artists
- Artist Releases
- Label
- All Label Releases
- Search
- User Collection
- Collection Folders
- Folder
- Collection Items by Folder
- Collection Items by Release
- Marketplace
- Price Suggestions
- Release Statistics
go get github.com/anaelorlinski/go-discogs
The discogs package provides a client for accessing the Discogs API. First of all import library and init client variable. According to discogs api documentation you must provide your user-agent.
import "github.com/anaelorlinski/go-discogs"
Some requests require authentication (as any user). According to Discogs, to send requests with Discogs Auth, you have two options: sending your credentials in the query string with key and secret parameters or a token parameter.
client, err := discogs.New(&discogs.Options{
UserAgent: "Some Name",
Currency: "EUR", // optional, "USD" (default), "GBP", "EUR", "CAD", "AUD", "JPY", "CHF", "MXN", "BRL", "NZD", "SEK", "ZAR" are allowed
Token: "Some Token", // optional
URL: "https://api.discogs.com", // optional
release, _ := client.Release(context.Background(), 9893847)
fmt.Println(release.Artists[0].Name, " - ", release.Title)
// St. Petersburg Ska-Jazz Review - Elephant Riddim
Issue a search query to discogs database. This endpoint accepts pagination parameters. Authentication (as any user) is required.
Use SearchRequest
struct to create a request.
type SearchRequest struct {
Q string // search query (optional)
Type string // one of release, master, artist, label (optional)
Title string // search by combined “Artist Name - Release Title” title field (optional)
ReleaseTitle string // search release titles (optional)
Credit string // search release credits (optional)
Artist string // search artist names (optional)
Anv string // search artist ANV (optional)
Label string // search label names (optional)
Genre string // search genres (optional)
Style string // search styles (optional)
Country string // search release country (optional)
Year string // search release year (optional)
Format string // search formats (optional)
Catno string // search catalog number (optional)
Barcode string // search barcodes (optional)
Track string // search track titles (optional)
Submitter string // search submitter username (optional)
Contributer string // search contributor usernames (optional)
Page int // optional
PerPage int // optional
request := discogs.SearchRequest{Artist: "reggaenauts", ReleaseTitle: "river rock", Page: 0, PerPage: 1}
search, _ := client.Search(context.Background(), request)
for _, r := range search.Results {
Query a users collection.
collection, err := client.CollectionFolders(context.Background(), "my_user")
folder, err := client.Folder(context.Background(), "my_user", 0)
items, err := client.CollectionItemsByFolder(context.Background(), "my_user", 0, &Pagination{Sort: "artist", SortOrder: "desc", PerPage: 2})
items, err := client.CollectionItemsByRelease(context.Background(), "my_user", 12934893)
Query a user's marketplace
Retrieve price suggestions for the provided Release ID
suggestions, err := client.PriceSuggestions(context.Background(), 12345)
Retrieve marketplace statistics for the provided Release ID
stats, err := client.ReleaseStatistics(context.Background(), 12345)