
Override environment variables when working locally with Serverless Offline.

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


Override environment variables configured in serverless.yml with any values provided in a .env file located at the root of your project.

Both global and function-specific environment variables are overridden.

This plugin is intended for local development only, and is therefore only invoked on serverless offline start.


Install the plugin:

yarn add -D serverless-offline-dotenv

Add the plugin to your serverless.yml file:

    - serverless-offline-dotenv
    - serverless-offline

It is important that the serverless-offline-dotenv plugin is loaded before serverless-offline.

Creating a .env file

Create a file at the root of your project named .env containing the environment variables that you want to override locally.

# /path/to/project/.env

# Lines starting with a hash are treated as comments

Your .env file may contain sensitive information so you should add it to your .gitignore file.

You might want to provide a .env.example template to make setup easier for other developers.

# /path/to/project/.env.example

DB_USER=<your local database username here>
DB_PASSWORD=<your local database password here>

Developers can then create a .env file from the template by running cp .env{.example,} and make the appropriate changes.

Serverless Variables

Any variables in your .env file that are prefixed with SLS_ are assumed to be variables supported by the Serverless framework and are therefore always appended to all functions.