
Object-relational mapping for Cocoa

Primary LanguageObjective-COtherNOASSERTION


Object-relational mapping for Cocoa.

This project is still under heavy development. A detailed description will be there, after the first feature set is stable.

To get an idea, how it works (and what is already implemented) have a look at the example below.

Defining the Model

Just define the interface for a class, as you would do it for any normal class.

#import <Foundation/Foundation.h>

@interface Person : NSObject
@property (nonatomic, readwrite) NSString *firstName;
@property (nonatomic, readwrite) NSString *lastName;

In the implementation file, specify the properties, which should be stored in the database. There you can also define the column type, if it is required or some unique constraints.

#import <CocoaORM/CocoaORM.h>
#import "Person.h"

@implementation Person

+ (void)load
    ORMAttribute(self, @"firstName").text().notNull();
    ORMAttribute(self, @"lastName").text().notNull();
    ORMUniqueTogether(self, @[@"firstName", @"lastName"]);

@dynamic firstName;
@dynamic lastName;


Managing Objects in a Store

To manage Objects in the Store, just create them and add them to the store.

ORMStore *store = …

[store commitTransactionAndWait:^ORMStoreTransactionCompletionHalndler(BOOL *rollback) {
    Person *person = [store createObjectWithEntityDescription:[Person ORMEntityDescription]];
    person.firstName = @"John";
    person.lastName = @"Example";
    return ^(NSError *error){

If you want to update an object, just set the property.

[store commitTransactionAndWait:^ORMStoreTransactionCompletionHalndler(BOOL *rollback) {
    person.firstName = @"Jim";
    return nil;