Grailed Backend Challenge

CLI that finds users with disallowed and duplicate usernames in the database and transforms them into valid usernames.


For this CLI I chose Ruby. I feel comfortable working in Ruby, and I have made simple CLIs in Ruby before.

You will notice that this app uses one singleton class. I've decided for this approach because I wanted to make sure that the database connection is established only once. The rest of the code is written in functions, as the given task is not complex enough to use classes.

This CLI uses tests.


Use bundler and run $ bundle install.


There are two main commands in the CLI and they're called disallowed and duplicates. Each of these arguments takes a --dry-run option that will print the affected rows.


$ ./cli.rb disallowed --dry-run
# prints all the rows in the DB that have a disallowed username

$ ./cli.rb duplicates --dry-run
# prints all the rows in the DB that are duplicate usernames

$ ./cli.rb disallowed
# this will update all disallowed usernames in the DB

$ ./cli.rb duplicates
#this will update all duplicate usernames in the DB


Run the tests using rspec command.