The Joy of Cooking By Linda Gibson and Marina Neumann Copyright 2014

*As a contributor, I want to post new recipes, so that I can share them with others. *As a contributor, I want to tag my recipes, so that they are easier to find. *As a cook, I want to choose a tag and see what recipes have that tag. *As a cook, I want to give a recipe 1 through 5 stars, so that I can share with others what I think of a recipe. *As a cook, I want to see recipes ordered by the number of stars they have, so that I can focus on the best ones. *As a cook, I want to see some new recipes mixed in with the highest-rated ones, so that I can give new recipes with no or few ratings a try. *As a cook, I want to search through recipes, so that I can find something with a particular ingredient or word.