
Ruby wrapper for Algorithmia.com

Primary LanguageRubyMIT LicenseMIT

Algorithmia for Ruby

Ruby Wrapper for Algorithmia

Looks very interesting, so I quickly threw together an awesome Ruby wrapper to interact with Algorithmia.com.


# By your command line.
$ gem install algorithmia

# Alternatively, through your Gemfile.
gem 'algorithmia'


Keeping it simple for now. But it's super easy to make a request to Algorithmia:

require "algorithmia"

# Your API key. Get it from your dashboard on Algorithmia.com
Algorithmia.api_key = "[INSERT API KEY]"

query = Algorithmia.call("kenny/Factor", 29)
# Example for algorithm: https://algorithmia.com/algorithms/kenny/Factor
# => #<Algorithmia::Result:0x007fad12c4fc68 @json={:duration=>0.035231213000000004, :result=>[29]}>

query.result # => [29]
query.duration # => 0.035231213000000004

See full Algorithmia.com API docs by clicking here.

Who made this?

Bilawal Hameed. Released freely under the MIT License.