
Buildout for scoreboard

Primary LanguagePython


Scoreboard installation kit based on zc.buildout_

Prerequisites - System packages

These packages should be installed as superuser (root).

Debian based systems

RHEL based systems

Install Python2.7 with PUIAS: https://gist.github.com/nico4/9616638

Run these commands:

curl https://raw.github.com/pypa/pip/master/contrib/get-pip.py | python2.7 -

pip2.7 install virtualenv
pip2.7 install setuptools==2.1

yum install git libffi-devel libxslt-devel

Product directory

Create the product directory:

mkdir -p /var/local/scoreboard

Create a new user:

adduser edw

Change the product directory's owner:

chown edw:edw /var/local/scoreboard -R

Development setup

Run the following commands as an unpriviledged user in the product directory:

su edw
cd /var/local/scoreboard

Clone the repository:

git clone https://github.com/eaudeweb/scoreboard.buildout.git
cd scoreboard.buildout

Switch to the development branch:

git checkout devel

Create and activate the virtual environment:

virtualenv-2.7 .
source bin/activate

Run buildout:

python bootstrap.py -c devel.cfg
bin/buildout -c devel.cfg

Download and unzip data files:

cd var/filestorage/
wget http://scoreboardtest.edw.ro/download/Data.fs.gz
wget http://scoreboardtest.edw.ro/download/filestorage.tar.gz
wget http://scoreboardtest.edw.ro/download/blobstorage.tar.gz

gunzip Data.fs.gz
tar xf filestorage.tar.gz
tar xf blobstorage.tar.gz

Start application:

cd ../..
bin/instance fg

Open application in browser: http://localhost:8440/Plone