Swift Heads Presentation Keynote Slides

This is a supplementary project to Matthew Fecher's (@goFecher) presentation on Swift & Sprite Kit Tips.
See the Universal-Game-Template-tvOS-OSX-iOS repo as a companion to these slides.

Resources for SpriteKit/Game Dev

Sites for learning:
Ray Wenderlich: raywenderlich.com
Cartoon Smart: cartoonsmart.com
Erica Sadun: ericasadun.com
Apple: developer.apple.com/library/ios/

GameplayKit Entity & Component Tutorial
Randomization in GameplayKit
Apple's example GameplayKit game

SpriteKit Playgrounds:
SpriteKit Playground Experimentation

Rule-based Crowd Behavior for Intelligent Games (Purdue CS Dept)
Northwestern University Flocking Introduction

Additional Resources:
SpriteKit with Swift 2 Tutorial for Beginners
Mixing SpriteKit with UIKit
SKPhysicsBody Path Generator
Bitmap Font Generator