
My leetcode solutions in c++

Primary LanguageC++



My leetcode solutions in C++ (11)

Leetcode Online Judge address: https://oj.leetcode.com/problemset/algorithms/

Lintcode Online Judge address: http://www.lintcode.com/en/daily/

Easy problems were long done before but I didn't keep the code. Since I would do it again I would update the solutions later. For all problems I would try to upload solutions with best performance.

Only part of lintcode solutions are available, some solutions might have better performance than they do in leetcode


core Include file lists, mostly from STL, required data structure definitaion
experiments Experiment codes for random interview questions and c++ features
main A mystery place where the program starts running
reference A header file that enable linker links stuff together
testcases There is nothing in this file
leetEasy Easy problems based on OJ
leetMedium Medium problems based on OJ
leetHardA Hard problems based on OJ that I did myself
leetHardB Hard problems that I have to look for solutions to figure out
lintArrayStringTwoPointer Problems related to Array, String, Two pointer solutions
lintBinarySearch Need O(logn) solution? Binary search, your best friend
lintDP Dynamic programming, the ultimate frontier of mystery and chaos
lintDaC Divide and Conquer, why not Multiply and Surrender? Try it out when you are tired of binary search trees and backtracing
lintDataStructures Linked list, Stack, BST, Heap, Graph, engineers' toolbox problems
lintSearch DFS, BFS, anything you need for trees, graphs, and problems for combinations and permutations
lintSort Quick sort, merge sort, quick selection. Only within O(nlogn) algorithms are allowed here


For leetcode, search with problem number. For lintcode, lookup for the problem tags or just search for problem name