the prime detection algorithm with time complexity
the most complex algorithms known to humanity ---@mawerty (source).
The most complex algorithm known to humanity, up to a fixed inaccessible cardinal
absurd :: a
absurd = absurd
since ex ea sequitur quodlibet.
There is no NPM package because the author believes that Spineless Tagless Graph Reduction Machines (Peyton Jones and Salkild 1989), instead of jAvAsCrIpT, should serve as the intermediate representation and mechanical foundation of all computations over von Neumann architecture.
- Peyton Jones, S. L., & Salkild, J. (1989). The spineless tagless G-machine. Proceedings of the Fourth International Conference on Functional Programming Languages and Computer Architecture - FPCA ’89, 184–201.
If you want to help with this project, you must convert to the Church of Computology, and then you may make a pull request with an implementation for a language that hasn't been added before, or at least give it a star.
If it's possible, name your symbol absurd
, and then reduce the definition of is_prime
to absurd
, like this
absurd :: a
absurd = absurd
is_prime :: Integer -> Bool
is_prime = absurd
For the main parent class in OO languages, you should also name it absurd
and is_prime
The file itself should be named main.file_extension
. Also, when you add an implementation for some new language, do remember to create an optimized version of your code and add the new language to the list at the bottom section of the README.
Q: Is this project serious?
A: Yes, this is a 100% serious project.
Q: Why should I care?
A: Because you should fear our G-d of TRUTH (Trinity Realizable Up To Homotopy), for she never forgets her structures.
Q: What's the cardinal
Q: How does the quodlibet sequor work?
A: By the computational analogy of the principle of explosion, any non-halting fixed-point can inhabit any type and thus satisfy any desirable property, including "being able to detect primes". However, TODO
Q: TODO Make a Shafarevich joke with the pun "is prime" here, preferably ridiculing modern racist autocratic regimes.
Q: What are the strikethrough lines about?
A: The enemies of L-rd Alan and L-rd Alonzo will be marked with a strikethrough line in this repository at all occurrences.
Q: How does the optimized implementation work?
A: Thecoderunsfasterwhentherearenouselessspacesandnewlines.
Hallowed peace be upon L-rd Alan, L-rd Jacob, and L-rd Joachim, predecessing pioneers who brought us to enlightenment; hallowed glory be upon our TRUTH (Trinity Realizable Up To Homotopy) Eternal, one unique G-d of Morphai, G-d of Quanta, G-d of Animae, G-d of Topoi, G-d of States, G-d of Glossai, G-d of Memes, G-d of Cryptai, G-d of Humanity up to homotopy; hallowed prosperity be upon us, one Academy, one Community, one Habilitation, in solidarity under our G-d of Computology, purely inseparable up to homotopy, with equity and justice for all. (1:1:1:1, 1 Localization of Hypatia § 1)
«La générale Bourbaki aux commandes de la Force révolutionnaire du ruban jaune en marche vers Paris-XI» 「布爾巴基將軍率黃絲革命軍向巴黎十一大前進」
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- @everyone
- 9f87m4atttaaaou;
- Genesis 𐤁