
Bootstrap multiple Google Compute Engine instances with the MongoDB Cloud Manager automation agent

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MongoDB via Cloud Manager

Bootstrap multiple Google Compute Engine instances with the MongoDB Cloud Manager agent.


Google Cloud Platform

  • Create a Google Cloud Platform account (and enable billing)
  • Install and setup the Google Cloud SDK
  • Enable the Deployment Manager and Compute Engine APIs
  • Set your project: gcloud config set project PROJECT-ID
  • Set the preferred zone: gcloud config set compute/zone ZONE

MongoDB Cloud Manager

  • Create a MongoDB Cloud Manager account
  • Navigate to Cloud Manager > Settings > Group Settings and copy the Group ID and Agent API Key at the top of the page, you will need these values below.

Note: MongoDB Cloud Manager is a paid service from MongoDB, Inc. and is governed by the MongoDB Cloud Manager terms of service

Deploying Configuration


The Deployment Manager template uses a schema that defines and describes the properties required for the deployment:




  • No default value set
  • Use the value from Group Id above when deploying (see example below)


  • No default value set
  • Use the value from Agent API Key above when deploying (see example below)

Creating Deployment

Create the deployment using the Deployment Manager configuration template:

$ gcloud deployment-manager deployments create mongodb-cloud-manager \
  --config mongodb-cloud-manager.jinja \
  --properties mmsGroupId=MMSGROUPID,mmsApiKey=MMSAPIKEY

Optionally, to override the default values for machineType or zone use the following:

$ gcloud deployment-manager deployments create mongodb-cloud-manager \
  --config mongodb-cloud-manager.jinja \
  --properties machineType=n1-highmem-8,zone=us-central1-d,mmsGroupId=MMSGROUPID,mmsApiKey=MMSAPIKEY

The Deployment Manager configuration creates three 500GB Persistent SSDs and attaches them to three Compute Engine instances. Each instance then runs a startup script that configures and attaches storage, and installs the MongoDB Cloud Manager automation agent.

Deploy MongoDB using Cloud Manager

Once the instances have completed the setup process, they should be visible via Cloud Manager > Deployment > Servers in a few minutes. To deploy MongoDB, refer to the instructions for Deploying a Replica Set.

Clean Up

First, unmanage the deployment via Cloud Manager. Refer to the documentation on Removing a Process from Management for more information.

Next, delete the deployment from Google Cloud Platform.

Note that all configuration resources (instances, disks) will be deleted.

$ gcloud deployment-manager deployments delete mongodb-cloud-manager


  • Three instances are created by this configuration, sufficient for a MongoDB Replica Set. To deploy a MongoDB Sharded Cluster, consider adding additional instance entries in the mongodb-cloud-manager.jinja configuration template.
  • Instances are created within the default network however no MongoDB-specific firewall rules are added. To add rules that allow incoming traffic to your MongoDB deployment, refer to the Firewalls documentation.
  • The Google Cloud Platform Pricing Calculator estimate of the monthly costs to run this deplyoment configuration can be found here