
Rust implementation of ledger

Primary LanguageRustGNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0

Latest version Documentation


command line accounting tool

As a former CPA, I could not resist building my own accounting system.

PRs and issues are certainly welcome. I use this tool to keep track of my personal finances but would sincerely appreciate feedback on how to make it more useful for others.


  • Spiritual port of ledger
  • Uses double-entry accounting paradigm
  • Small feature set based on typical use cases
  • Uses yaml files as data store
  • Includes a tool to convert csv files to yaml format


  • install via cargo - cargo install rust_ledger
  • this command will install the binary at ~/.cargo/bin/
  • copy the rust_ledger binary to your path: /usr/bin

Alternatively, clone this repo and do the following:

  • if Rust is not installed on your machine, follow the instructions on how to do that here: https://www.rust-lang.org/tools/install
  • run cargo build --release to compile the binary
  • go to /target/release and copy the rust_ledger binary in your path: /usr/bin
  • run rust_ledger run LEDGER_FILE_PATH COMMAND OPTION where the following:
    • LEDGER_FILE_PATH - relative path to location of yaml ledger file
    • COMMAND - ledger command (accounts, balance, register, or csv)
    • OPTION - allows you to filter the output of the register command by account type. For example, if you wish to only see "expense" transactions in the output, you would pass in expense as the option here.


  • cargo test


  • accounts
    • lists accounts
    • example output:
account              | account_type
checking             | asset
savings              | asset
credit_card          | liability
equity               | equity
expense_auto         | expense
expense_computer     | expense
expense_food         | expense
expense_gasoline     | expense
expense_pets         | expense
expense_amazon       | expense
expense_home         | expense
expense_general      | expense
income_general       | income
  • balance
    • lists account balances to date
    • example output:
account_type         | account              | balance
asset                | checking             | 1,500
asset                | savings              | 2,000
liability            | credit_card          | -456
equity               | equity               | -3,500
expense              | expense_auto         | 455
expense              | expense_computer     | 1
expense              | expense_food         | 0
expense              | expense_gasoline     | 0
expense              | expense_pets         | 0
expense              | expense_amazon       | 0
expense              | expense_home         | 0
expense              | expense_general      | 0
income               | income_general       | 0
check                | 0         0
  • register
    • lists general ledger transactions to date
    • can filter output by any field via optional parameter
    • example output:
date       | dr_cr      | acct_name            | acct_offset_name     | acct_memo
11/4/2019  | 455        | expense_auto         | credit_card          | car maintenance
11/4/2019  | 1          | expense_computer     | credit_card          | raspberry pi
  • csv
    • converts csv files to yaml format expected by rust_ledger
    • most financial institutions (banks, credit unions and credit card companies) will provide exports of transaction history in csv format
    • note - prior to importing your csv file into the tool, you must rename the columns in the first line of the csv file in the following schema: "date","transaction","name","memo","amount"

rust_ledger yaml file format

  • rust_ledger utilizes yaml files in the following format:
owner: test_owner
  id: $
  name: US Dollar
  alias: USD
  note: Currency used in the United States

  - id: 0
    acct_name: checking
    acct_type: asset
    debit_credit: 1500
  - id: 1
    acct_name: savings
    acct_type: asset
    debit_credit: 2000
  - id: 3
    acct_name: credit_card
    acct_type: liability
    debit_credit: 0
  - id: 4
    acct_name: equity
    acct_type: equity
    debit_credit: -3500
  - id: 5
    acct_name: expense_auto
    acct_type: expense
    debit_credit: 0
  - id: 6
    acct_name: expense_computer
    acct_type: expense
    debit_credit: 0
  - id: 7
    acct_name: expense_food
    acct_type: expense
    debit_credit: 0
  - id: 8
    acct_name: expense_gasoline
    acct_type: expense
    debit_credit: 0
  - id: 9
    acct_name: expense_pets
    acct_type: expense
    debit_credit: 0
  - id: 10
    acct_name: expense_amazon
    acct_type: expense
    debit_credit: 0
  - id: 11
    acct_name: expense_home
    acct_type: expense
    debit_credit: 0
  - id: 12
    acct_name: expense_general
    acct_type: expense
    debit_credit: 0
  - id: 13
    acct_name: income_general
    acct_type: income
    debit_credit: 0

  - date: 11/4/2019
    debit_credit: 455
    acct_offset_name: credit_card
    name: car maintenance
    acct_type: expense
    acct_name: expense_auto
  - date: 11/4/2019
    debit_credit: 1
    acct_offset_name: credit_card
    name: raspberry pi
    acct_type: expense
    acct_name: expense_computer