
Find your tribe, talk with people who share common grounds.

Primary LanguageJavaScript


We live in times with the most advanced connecting tech yet we are having the most trouble with social connection. Thus we created CozyConnect where you can enter what you are feeling, we study the emotions and match you with your tribe.

What it does

We integrated an emotion detector which detects the emotions from the story the user writes. Then the video chat opens up where you can talk with people going through similar feelings. You can claim NFTs at the end of the call as memory plus tokens act as an incentive for using the platform.

How we built it

We used multiple tech stacks and protocols which include

  • Huddle01
  • OpenAI
  • Wagmi library
  • Postman
  • 5ire Chain

Demo Video

Click on the video to go to see the demo of our project Demo Video

Postman Workspace URL

Click Here

Challenges we ran into

  • 5ire chain was a new ecosystem to study and because not having enough dev tools around it, interacting with the chain was troublesome.
  • Centering a div, basically frontend management.

Accomplishments that we're proud of

  • Submitting the project

What we learned

  • 5ire ecosystem
  • Integration of multiple tech stacks in one web app.

What's next for CozyConnect

  • Making the UX better