
Public repo for Analyzing Digital Footprints (course in the BAM MSc, RSM)

Primary LanguageR


Public repo for Analyzing Digital Footprints (course in the BAM MSc, RSM)

Examples in this repo:


How to collect data using the Kiva API, and how to process the results.

  • aux_functions.R contains example helper functions (f_get...) that you can use to extract specific fields from the response object
  • how_to_filter_by_riskRating.R - exactly what the filename says
  • how_to_get_MoreThan100LoanIDs.R - exactly what the filename says
  • loan_id: how to get information about a specific loan id
  • loans_filter: how to get ids of loans that meet specific criteria and then loop through all the loan IDs and get additional details for each of them.
  • steps_to_collect_data.R shows how to structure the data collection file


How to use environment variables to deal with situations when data is outside the repo and when you do not want to share all the original observations.


How to use advanced R Markdown functionalities that enable reproducible reports.