npm create vite@latest client --template vanilla
framework- vanilla, variant- javascript
cd .\client\
npm install
npm run dev
create a server folder and then run npm init -y
install some dependencies-> npm install cors dotenv express nodemon openai
To run server cmd- npm run server
To run client side- npm run dev
OpenAI's API - https://openai.com/api/
calls Openai's api from api key which Build next-gen apps with OpenAI’s powerful models.
Access GPT-3, which performs a variety of natural language tasks, Codex, which translates natural language to code, and DALL·E, which creates and edits original images.
Now after reading the documentation of OpenAI , I used model: "text-davinci-003"
link for read- https://platform.openai.com/playground/p/default-openai-api?model=text-davinci-003