2023 IMBD competition project B

Please see imbd2023 for more information.


Install pipenv, then run pipenv sync to install all packages specified in Pipfile.lock

project structure

tree -L 2

# ├─data
# │  ├─B_traing1 # pre-training data
# │  │  ├─not reworkable
# │  │  └─reworkable
# │  └─B_traing2 # training data
# │      ├─not reworkable
# │      └─reworkable
# ├─FTP # pretrained model dir
# ├─model # finetuned model dir
# └─src

execute steps

  1. check src/configs.py
  2. run create/augmentation_data.py if augmentation is needed.
  3. for training stage, run src/create_ref_table.py to prepare data split, then run src/train.py with specific arguments.
  4. for testing stage, run src/validate.py or src/predict.py based on whether labeled answers are available.


The source of the data is provided by the competition's official orgaizers. This project only open-sources the related code.