
Engineering Mode is a customizable view to manage UserDefaults, Notifications, Network etc. in your iOS app!

Primary LanguageSwift

🛠️ Engineering Mode

EngineeringMode is a highly customizable iOS package to make debugging common things like Notifications, UserDefaults, Permissions and Networking easier.


EngineeringMode can be added to any SwiftUI view easily. Typically, it's used with a Sheet.

Basic usage with a sheet

import EngineeringMode


.sheet(isPresented: $showingEngineeringModeSheet) {

Custom Views

To add a custom view to the existing Engineering Mode screen, just pass in customViews and customViewTitles. Optionally, if you want Custom Views to show before the other views, then add showCustomViewsFirst.

  customViews: [AnyView],
  customViewTitles: [String],
  showCustomViewsFirst: Bool

⚠️ Important:

  • customViews takes in an AnyView - please cast it to that.
  • customViews and customViewTitles should have the same number of array elements! Each custom view should have a title, otherwise the app will crash.


  customViews: [AnyView(MyCustomView())],
  customViewTitles: ["Test"],
  showCustomViewsFirst: true