
this following repository contains program for processing images and generating captions(sentences) describing the image

Primary LanguagePython


The problem of generaing captions based on the image provided can be effectively solved using Deep Neural Networks in the following program we use a CNN + RNN architecture.
Here the Convolutional Neural Network is used for extracting features from an image before passing it through the pipeline.
We use a VGG16 model that is trained for classifying images ,but instead of using the last classification layer,
we redirect the output of the previous layer.This gives us a vector with 4096 elements that summarizes the image-contents.
We will use this vector as the initial state of the Gated Recurrent Units(GRU).However we need to map the 4096 elements down to a
vector with only 512 as this is the internal state-size of the GRU .To do this we need an intermediate fully-connected(dense) layer.

INPUT : RGB Image size of (224,224)

OUTPUT: complete captions describing the image

DATASET: we are using Flickr30k dataset for training the model.

LOSS FUNCTION: We use a loss-function like sparse cross-entropy.

OPTIMIZER: We chose to use RMSprop over Adam optimizer as in some cases Adam Optimizer seems to diverge with Recurrent Neural Networks.

Implemented using: Tensorflow,keras

Model Summary:

The following is the summary of the VGG 16 model

VGG16 VGG16-2

The following is the summary of the Recurrent layer Rnn

The processed Tensorboard graphs are as follows graph_large_attrs_key=_too_large_attrs limit_attr_size=1024 run=
