
Group chat application

Primary LanguagePython


It is a chatroom application where you can chat with developers in a chatroom for particular topics To Test the group

Account 1 : Username: test1 Password:

Account s : Username: test2 Password:

To Run On Local

  1. Download file as zip

  2. Extract it and open with VsCode

  3. Open the VsCode Terminal, and do the following step by step

a) Creating virtual enviornment

python -m venv myenv  

b) Launching virtual enviornment


c) Installing all requirements

Used: pip freeze > requirements.txt to get the requirements file

pip install -r requirements.txt

d) Starting server

python manage.py runserver

Note :

I tried hosting on vercel, but due to some sqlite3 issue, deployment was unsuccessful

Features of ChatUs

Authentication :

  1. Login
  2. Logout

Group :

  1. User cannot message in any groups without login
  2. User can ONLY see messages of the group without login
  3. Only host has permission to edit group details and delete the group
  4. SEARCH : This search the rooms on basis of Admin name or Topic name
  5. If any new user send message in any group, User gets added to Group Members List automatically
  6. CREATE ROOM : User can create room as a Host and the room gets added to Global Chats
  7. **EDIT ROOM ** : Only Host of the group has permission to edit the group details
  8. DELETE ROOM : Host can delete its room from the home page itself

CREATE ROOM BUTTON : image Back To All Global Chats: image


Logged in as Test User 1


User can only DELETE its own message image

Logged in as Test User 2 image

User can only DELETE its own message image



Developer: Harsh Anand (anand-harsh)

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