MySQL InventoryDB Project

MySQL InventoryDB Project

This project involves setting up a MySQL database named inventoryDB and performing basic SQL operations. The products table is created within this database to manage product information. This guide will help you set up the environment, create the database, and execute SQL queries.


  • MySQL Workbench: Download and install MySQL Workbench from here.
  • MySQL Server: Ensure MySQL server is installed and running on your system.

Setup Instructions

1. Download and Install MySQL Workbench

  • Go to the MySQL Workbench download page.
  • Choose the appropriate version for your operating system and follow the installation instructions.

2. Verify MySQL Installation

  • Open the Windows Command Prompt.
  • Run the following command to check if MySQL is installed:
    mysql --version
  • If you encounter an error, add the MySQL bin directory to your system's PATH variable:
    1. Right Click on This PC or My Computer.
    2. Go to Properties.
    3. Go to Advanced System Settings.
    4. Click on Environment Variables.
    5. Under System Variables, find the Path variable and edit it.
    6. Add the MySQL bin directory (e.g., C:\Program Files\MySQL\MySQL Server <version>\bin) to the path.

3. Run the MySQL Server

  • Start the MySQL server by opening the Windows Command Prompt and running:
    mysql -u root -p
  • Enter your MySQL root password when prompted.

4. Create and Setup the Database

  • In the MySQL command line, create the database and the products table:
    CREATE DATABASE inventoryDB;
    USE inventoryDB;
    CREATE TABLE products (
        name VARCHAR(100),
        description TEXT,
        price DECIMAL(10, 2),
        quantity INT,
        category VARCHAR(50)

5. Insert Sample Data into products Table

  • Insert sample product records:
    INSERT INTO products (name, description, price, quantity, category)
    ('Laptop', '14 inch laptop with 8GB RAM', 799.99, 10, 'Electronics'),
    ('Desk Chair', 'Ergonomic desk chair', 150.00, 25, 'Furniture'),
    ('Notebook', 'A5 notebook with lined pages', 5.99, 200, 'Stationery'),
    ('Wireless Mouse', 'Bluetooth wireless mouse', 25.49, 50, 'Electronics'),
    ('Coffee Mug', 'Ceramic mug with 300ml capacity', 12.99, 75, 'Kitchenware');

6. Perform SQL Queries

  • Retrieve all products:

    SELECT * FROM products;
  • Retrieve products with a price less than a specified amount (e.g., less than $30):

    SELECT * FROM products WHERE price < 30.00;
  • Retrieve products with more than a specified quantity in stock (e.g., more than 20 units):

    SELECT * FROM products WHERE quantity > 20;
  • Update the price of a specific product (e.g., change the price of the 'Wireless Mouse' to $27.99):

    UPDATE products SET price = 27.99 WHERE name = 'Wireless Mouse';
  • Delete a product from the products table (e.g., remove the 'Coffee Mug'):

    DELETE FROM products WHERE name = 'Coffee Mug';

Execution Proofs

Below are screenshots showing the successful execution of the above commands:

  1. Creating the Database and Table, and Inserting Data:

    Creating Database and Table

  2. Performing Operations:

    Performing Operations

  3. Reviewing Data After Operations:

    Reviewing Data


This project demonstrates how to set up a MySQL database and perform basic CRUD (Create, Read, Update, Delete) operations. Follow the steps carefully to successfully set up and manage your inventoryDB.