Website Malicious Checker

Welcome to our simple Flutter project. The objective for building this app is to check a website, whether is safe or malicious.

Provider used in this project are from using their free API.

For early testing, you can download the APK here

How to build this project

  1. Do git pull to your local drive by execute this command below on your empty repo folder


    git pull

  2. Go to the config.dart in lib/components folder and paste your API token at the "token" value.

  3. Build the project to APK file with this command.

    flutter build apk

  4. The APK file will appear as app-release.apk in build/app/outputs/flutter-apk directory.

How to get your VirusTotal API Token

  1. Create your VirusTotal account

  2. Click on your account and select API Key

    API Key Button

  3. API Token will appear there

    API Token

  4. Paste your token to "token" value (Explained on "How to build this project" number 2)