
Creating a simple iOS app that displays a random advice to the screen whenever a user hits a button.

Primary LanguageSwift


Creating a simple iOS app that displays a random advice to the screen whenever a user hits a button.

I wanted to learn how to create iOS apps using Swift and Xcode, so I wanted to start off with a very simple single-view application.

I signed up for TeamTreeHouse.com and followed their Beginner iOS Development track. After completing their "Build a Simple iPhone App with Swift" lesson I was inspired to create my own with an alteration.

For my app I am obtaining the data, which is a JSON, with the use of a REST API from adviceslip.com http://api.adviceslip.com/

So whenever the user hits the button, a random advice from the adviceslip API will be displayed to the screen.

Also, Swift is known to be quite troublesome when trying to deal with JSON, so I am using SwiftyJSON. https://github.com/SwiftyJSON/SwiftyJSON

But to use it, Alamofire was also quite helpful as well. https://github.com/Alamofire/Alamofire

This page was really helpful for me to use Alamofire and SwiftyJSON. https://www.codementor.io/ashishkakkad/how-to-use-alamofire-and-swiftyjson-with-swift-4or6su5oa

With the project I also had my first exposure to CocoaPods, which is a very convenient and easy to use frameworks manager. https://cocoapods.org/

And finally a really nice website that helps with app icons. https://makeappicon.com/

Useful Resourcee

Advice Slip REST API








How to use Alamofire and SwiftyJSON


Make App Icon


App Icon on iPhone

icon-app-60x60 3x

App Screenshots

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