
Test application

Primary LanguageTypeScript


This is a cross-platform test application used primarily to expose views useful for showcasing Appium automation features. There is also a test suite for the application the demonstrates good Appium testing practices. See the CI doc for a writeup on the most salient features of the test suite and how CI is achieved for this app.

Release versions of TheApp (typically as .apk and .app.zip are available at the Releases section of this repo.

Building locally

First, make sure you have the various React Native prerequisites ready to go (like Ruby, Gem, Bundler, Pod, etc... for iOS, Android Studio and tools for Android, etc...).

Then install deps:

npm install
pod install --project-directory=ios

Now you can npm start which will start the JS bundler.

Build/launch the iOS app

npx react-native run-ios

Build/launch the Android app

npx react-native run-android --appId=com.appiumpro.the_app --main-activity=com.appiumpro.the_app.MainActivity

Build the iOS app in release mode

Note this is not how to build an .ipa file (that requires signing and provisioning profiles). This just builds the .app which can be run on the simulator but with the JS bundle in it.

npx react-native run-ios --mode Release

The .app will be put in the Derived Data path (right-click on the output in the Xcode file viewer and you will be able to view it in the Finder).

Build the Android apk for release

cd android
./gradlew assembleRelease
# install and test the app
adb install -r ./app/build/outputs/apk/release/app-release.apk


You can run Appium tests locally on a running Android emulator or iOS simulator, after having first built the apps. Make sure you have an Appium 2.x server running with the XCUITest and UiAutomator2 drivers installed, then you can kick off a suite for either platform:

IOS=1 npm test     # run iOS suite
ANDROID=1 npm test # run Android suite

See the CI documentation for a fuller description of how the test suite is designed and implemented according to good Appium testing practices.