Lightning Poller Component

LightningPoller is a generic polling component that is available on the AppExchange. Click here to view the component on AppExchange.

This repository is for illustrating how to use that component with a couple of simple examples. Pleaes contribute more examples and/or issues.

The polling component leverages Lightning Events to drive the polling behaviour.

Using this component

  1. Install the component from AppExchange (link will be available after the component is listed).
  2. Add the component to the corresponding Lightning Page (Record Page, Home, App Page or Community Page). (Note : If you do not add the Lightning Poller component to your Lightning Page, the events that start and stop polling will not be available to your other components)
  3. Create a Lightning Event (type="APPLICATION"). (Sample event at with no event parameters.
  4. Create a component that will start/stop polling and implement the business logic.

Starting and Stopping Polling

In order to start polling, you fire off a e.poller:startPolling event. This event takes two parameters:

  • eventToFire : This is the name of the event that you would like to have the component fire as a means to call back. Note : You will have to create this event. Make sure this event is of type APPLICATION and does not have any event attrbutes.
  • pollInterval : This is the sleep time in seconds that the polling component will wait before it fires off and event as defined by the eventToFire

Sample Event

<!-- c:MyComponentEvent: NO ATTRIBUTES -->
<aura:event type="__APPLICATION__" description="A component level event that will be fired by the poller" />

Saple code to start polling:

var startPollEvent = $A.get('e.poller:startPolling');
            "pollInterval":3 //this is seconds not milliseconds

In order to stop polling, you fire the e.poller:stopPolling event with no additional paramters. Sample code to stop the polling process is below:

    var stopPollEvent = $A.get('e.poller:stopPolling');;

Example Lightning Components


We'll create a simple component that has a button that will start the pooling and a button to stop the polling.

<aura:component >
    <aura:attribute name="eventCount" type="Integer" default="0"/> 
    <aura:attribute name="eventMessages" type="String[]"/> 
<lightning:button label="Start polling" onclick="{!c.startPolling}" />
    <lightning:button label="Stop polling" onclick="{!c.stopPolling}" /><br/>
    <aura:handler event="c:MyComponentEvent" action="{!c.handleComponentEvent}"/>
    <aura:iteration items="{!v.eventMessages}" var="msg">

Key things this component does:

  1. Register an event handler for the “c:MyComponentEvent” that will be fired from the poller component.
  2. Provide a couple of buttons and controller methods to start/stop polling.

Let's look at the controller for this component:

    "startPolling" : function(cmp, event, helper) {
        var startPollEvent = $A.get('e.poller:startPolling');
    "stopPolling" : function(cmp, event, helper) {
        var stopPollEvent = $A.get('e.poller:stopPolling');;
    "handleComponentEvent":function(cmp, event, helper) {
        //Do your custom processing here 
        //e.g. invoke an apex controller, refresh another component etc.
        //For example we are incrementing and updating a message array
        //with the current date and time stamp
        var eventCount = parseInt(cmp.get('v.eventCount'));
        var eventMsgs = cmp.get('v.eventMessages');
        eventMsgs.push(new Date()+': Received component event from poller');
        console.log('c:MyComponentEvent was fired');

Note: poller in the above code is the namespace for my AppExchange managed component.

Polling Progress Bar

This component simulates a progress bar from 0 to 100%. It simply increments a counter to calculate the % value.

Component markup & controller are below:


<aura:component implements="force:appHostable,flexipage:availableForAllPageTypes,flexipage:availableForRecordHome,force:hasRecordId" access="global">
    <aura:attribute name="eventCount" type="Integer" default="0"/> 
    <lightning:button label="Start progress" onclick="{!c.startPolling}" />
    <lightning:button label="Reset Progress" onclick="{!c.resetProgress}" /><br/>
    <aura:handler event="c:MyComponentEvent" action="{!c.handleComponentEvent}"/>
    <div class="slds-progress-bar" aria-valuemin="0" aria-valuemax="100" aria-valuenow="{!(v.eventCount * 10 )}" role="progressbar">
        Progress: {!v.eventCount*10} %
        <span class="slds-progress-bar__value" style="{!'width: '+ (v.eventCount * 10 )+'%;'}">
            <span class="slds-assistive-text">Progress: {!v.eventCount*10}%</span>


    "startPolling" : function(cmp, event, helper) {
        var startPollEvent = $A.get('e.poller:startPolling');
    "resetProgress" : function(cmp, event, helper) {
    "handleComponentEvent":function(cmp, event, helper) {
        //Do your custom processing here 
        //e.g. invoke an apex controller, refresh another component etc.
        var eventCount = parseInt(cmp.get('v.eventCount'));
        console.log('c:MyComponentEvent was fired');
        if((eventCount*10) ==100){