
Collection of Salesforce CDP plugins for FDX

Primary LanguageTypeScript


A collection of SFDX plugins to interact with Salesforce CDP. The following plugins are available:

  • login : A way to test CDP login using a private key
  • metadata : To fetch metadata in CDP
  • export : To export data from a SQL query as a CSV file
  • ingest : To send data using the streaming ingestion API for CDP


  1. Clone this git repo : git clone https://github.com/anandbn/sfdx-cdp-plugins
  2. Run sfdx plugins:link from the repo folder after you have cloned
cd sfdx-cdp-plugins
sfdx plugins:link

To test if the plugin was installed correctly. run sfdx cdp:login --help which should display the help for that plugin

Common parameters

All plugins use the following common parameters:

  • --clientid / -c : THe connected app client id from salesforce setup. Note: this connection app should have the right scopes as well as ...
  • --loginurl / -r : Login URL for your instance
  • --privatekey / -k : Private key file that will be used in the OAuth JWT tokene exchange.
  • --username / -u : The username to use in the JWT token exchange

Note: Ensure that the connected app that you are configuring has the scope set to cdp_query_api cdp_ingest_api cdpquery api cdp_profile_api cdpprofile amongst other scopes that you might need. Without these scopes included, CDP API operations will not work.

Refer to Setting up connected app for more details on how to configure connected app.

Refer to Oauth JWT Bearer flow for more information on how the private key/certificate should be configured. The plugins here uses this flow and fetches the access_token

Refer to Salesforce CDP API Authentication on how the access_token is exchanged for a cdp_access_token



sfdx cdp:login --username your_org_username@example.com 
               --clientid "3MVG9.." 
               --loginurl "https://login.salesforce.com" 
               --privatekey [absolute path to your private key file]


JWT Token URL https://login.salesforce.com/services/oauth2/token

Authenticated into core API

Response field  Value
──────────────  ─────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────
scope           cdp_query_api cdp_ingest_api cdpquery api cdp_profile_api cdpprofile
instance_url    https://mydomain.my.salesforce.com
token_type      Bearer
id              https://login.salesforce.com/id/00D5e00ty04hyf8EAA/0055e000rt6hIvCAAU
access_token    0055e000rt6hIvCAAU!AR4A..

Exchanged access_token for cdp_access_token

Response field     Value
─────────────────  ───────────────────────────────────────────────
instance_url       mq2tszjzm0zw0yrvgzrwgmzyg1.c360a.salesforce.com
token_type         Bearer
issued_token_type  urn:ietf:params:oauth:token-type:jwt
expires_in         7200
access_token       eyJraWQiOiJDT1JFLjAw...



sfdx cdp:metadata --username your_org_username@example.com 
                  --clientid "3MVG9.." 
                  --loginurl "https://login.salesforce.com" 
                  --privatekey [absolute path to your private key file]
                  --type 'ENTITY|FIELD`
                  --filters `a string or comma separate filters to apply`

  • type : This determines if you want to return entities or field level metadata. Alowed values are ENTITY or FIELD. FIELD is default
  • filters: This allows you to do a simple string filter based on what's in the parameter. You can use this to only pull specific tables, or tables matching a particular string.


Returning all Entities in CDP:

sfdx cdp:metadata --username your_org_username@example.com 
                  --clientid "3MVG9.." 
                  --loginurl "https://login.salesforce.com" 
                  --privatekey [absolute path to your private key file]
                  --type 'ENTITY`
                  --filters `a string or comma separate filters to apply`

Entity name                              API Name                                       Entity type
───────────────────────────────────────  ─────────────────────────────────────────────  ───────────
Base Events_dev                          base_events_dev__dll                           dll
Cart Event Items_dev                     cart_event_items_dev__dll                      dll
Cart Events_dev                          cart_events_dev__dll                           dll
Catalog Events_dev                       catalog_events_dev__dll                        dll
DEV_Account_00D010000008qWT              DEV_Account_00D010000008qWT__dll               dll

Returning fields

Entity name                              Field name                              Datatype   API Name
───────────────────────────────────────  ──────────────────────────────────────  ─────────  ───────────────────────────────────────
Base Events_dev                          Action                                  STRING     action__c
Base Events_dev                          cdp_sys_PartitionDate                   DATE_TIME  cdp_sys_PartitionDate__c
Base Events_dev                          Customer ID                             STRING     customerId__c
Base Events_dev                          Data Source                             STRING     DataSource__c
Base Events_dev                          Data Source Object                      STRING     DataSourceObject__c
Base Events_dev                          Email Address                           STRING     emailAddress__c
Base Events_dev                          Event Date                              DATE_TIME  EventDate__c
Base Events_dev                          Event Time                              DATE_TIME  eventTime__c


Returning fields filtered to match Account

sfdx cdp:metadata --username your_org_username@example.com 
                  --clientid "3MVG9.." 
                  --loginurl "https://login.salesforce.com" 
                  --privatekey [absolute path to your private key file]
                  --filters `Account`

Entity name                  Field name           Datatype  API Name
───────────────────────────  ───────────────────  ────────  ────────────────────────
DEV_Account_00D010000008qWT  Account Number       STRING    AccountNumber__c
DEV_Account_00D010000008qWT  Account Source       STRING    AccountSource__c
DEV_Account_00D010000008qWT  Account Description  STRING    Description__c
DEV_Account_00D010000008qWT  Account Fax          STRING    Fax__c
DEV_Account_00D010000008qWT  Account ID           STRING    Id__c
DEV_Account_00D010000008qWT  Partner Account      STRING    IsPartner__c
DEV_Account_00D010000008qWT  Is Person Account    STRING    IsPersonAccount__c
DEV_Account_00D010000008qWT  Account Name         STRING    Name__c




sfdx cdp:metadata --username your_org_username@example.com 
                  --clientid "3MVG9.." 
                  --loginurl "https://login.salesforce.com" 
                  --privatekey [absolute path to your private key file]
                  --query '[your SQL query]`


sfdx cdp:metadata --username your_org_username@example.com 
                  --clientid "3MVG9.." 
                  --loginurl "https://login.salesforce.com" 
                  --privatekey [absolute path to your private key file]
                  --query 'select count(*) as row_count from base_events_dev__dll`





