
Source code of the travel mashup I made - http://trippin.in - Uses the following APIs - Freebase, Wunderground, Tixik, Google Maps, Google Places, Foursquare, Google Showtimes, Geocode, Wolfrom Alpha.

Trippin is a web mashup i made using PHP. The site is live at http://trippin.in
Trippin is your one-stop destination for getting information on a location just before a vacation, a short holiday or a weekend getaway. Never has planning your itinerary been this easy.
It makes use of various APIs to gather information about a place so that you get all you wanted to know about the place including: 

Location on Google Maps
Weather forecast for the week
Places of interest

For a more personalized experience, you can now login using your Facebook account.
Rate and review a place, restaurants, clubs and help fellow travellers get a heads up on the best venues in town.

It uses the following API - 
1. Google Maps
2. Wunderground
3. Freebase
4. Wolfrom Alpha
5. Google Places
6. Foursquare
7. Tixik
8. Geocode
9. Google Showtimes

The site still in its development mode and the code is not very structured.