
Primary LanguageJavaScriptApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

chainge - The Social Impact Blockchain App


chainge is a revolutionary app designed for refugees to incorporate their daily life initiatives into a systematic, immutable & reliable system that helps formulate post-relocation life experiences as professional skills to complement work applications in a foreign nation where their previous jobs might be rendered obsolete.

We use a blockchain model to prevent corruption and/or data tampering while creating a systematic linear record for each indvidual to access their skill record based on a predefined set of parameters. eg -

  • large-scale cooking --> community service skill
  • vacination admintration --> medical skill
  • peaca & trauma mitigation --> interpersonal comm. skill

Build & Run

To build the project, first install all relevant npm dependencies as follows:

For Ubuntu-based Users (with sudo most probably)

$ npm install -g ethereumjs-testrpc
$ npm install -g truffle
  1. run testrpc in a seperate instance of the terminal and keep it running in the background

  2. in a seperate terminal, create a directory at your desired destination and run truffle init

  3. run truffle compile to compile all relevant libraries and dependent packages

  4. run truffle migrate to update the live testrpc session and initiate your blockchain

  5. note that you should use truffle migrate --reset if you've already run migrate once in an active session

  6. run truffle console to start up the interactive shell to modify and access the blockchain and it's data. Note however, that the current implementation supports upto 3 users and can be accomodated to add upto 10 in our current implementation with minor modifications.

  7. iff you wish to try this online AT YOUR OWN RISK, install geth as advised on: https://github.com/ethereum/go-ethereum/wiki/Building-Ethereum and execute the following:

    $ geth --testnet --rpc console 2>> geth.log
    $ personal.unlockAccount(eth.accounts[0], _passphrase_, 24*3600)
    $ eth.getBalance(eth.accounts[0])

For MacOS-based Users

Note: If you're facing problems with .DS_STORE, simply delete the file using the terminal and run as usual. Any further errors that report the same issue can be safely ignored.

Applications & Integrations

This application can be used succesfully in social settings such as for refugees and needs to be scaled according to size of your target audience. In addition, this can be integrated with already existing platforms to run testrpc natively or with use of geth or similar Ethereal API's. check out Ethereal documentation and the following repository for inspiration. Note that you will require real money to simulate in these platforms (except for the native testrpc example) https://github.com/maraoz/solidity-experiments


Aniruddha Nandi

Annie Wu

Chloe Tanchip