
An example use of the EXPORT functionality to backup a FULL Firestore database.

MIT LicenseMIT

What is this?

This is a SAMPLE project that demonstrates how to export ALL your Firestore Database data using the current GCP API requirements as of 2022-05.

This project make use of the Firestore Export Import project to do the heavy lifting.

In order to simply use this project to export your own data:

  • Install dependencies: npm i OR yarn.
  • Please generate your "Private Key" using the Stackoverflow article here.
  • Rename the file that is downloaded to privateServiceKey.json. NOTE: The file should have a simliar structure as provided in the privateServiceKey.json.example file at the root of this project.
  • Run the export script AND redirect its output to a file name of your choice (assuming you are running this command on a *Nix machine): node index.js > firestore_full-database-backup.json.