
A self healing kubernetes operator to create RDS DB, with an option to pre-populate your RDS DB, option to re-heal from snapshot when deleted from aws console.

Primary LanguageGo



Note: The operator requires AWS Creds to be passed in as env variables ( could be passed from secrets )
the operator pod must be ran on a node that has an IAM role with priviliges to RDS attached.
  1. Operator.yaml ( AWS Creds go in here as env vars )
    $ kubectl apply -f example/operator.yaml
  2. Install CR for MySQL
    $ kubectl apply -f example/mysql_instance_sample_cr.yaml
    OR CR for Aurora MySQL
    $ kubectl apply -f example/aurora_mysql_sample_cr.yaml
  3. Get Installed CR's
    $ kubectl get dbInstances --all-namespaces
    $ kubectl get dbClusters --all-namespaces


  • RDS DB Provisioning ( Instance + Cluster -- Separate kinds for each )
  • RDS DB Subnet Group Creation ( Separate kind )
  • Pre-Populate/Initialize provisioned DB ( optional )
  • Reheal from latest available snapshot when DB no longer exists in AWS ( optional )
  • Cleans up AWS resources when CR/Namespace is deleted

Supported DB Engines

  • MySQL
  • Aurora-MySQL


  • Add DBParameterGroup controller
  • Paramterized periodic existence check per controller ( AWS Resources )
  • Handle modifications of a deployed CR's ( Update )
  • Support more db engines